

  • That is so weird I was just going to start a topic of songs that keep you running. I will still check out that site, but in the meantime what songs keep you running? For me it is Katy Perry Fireworks. If I am running out of steam and I play that song it perks me right back up and gets me through the slump. What songs work…
  • Some of us on here are concerned for our mothers. I think it's great that you've taken this step of faith on your own for the sake of your children! It really helps to know that there are others out there going through the same things you are! You will love this site!
  • Yes friend me too! I'm 35 but I feel like it was just yesterday that I turned thirty. Friends on this site really help A LOT! Happy posting!
  • My only concern about this, and of course I'm no Dr., is whether or not you can keep this going long-term. To reach your goal and maintain your loss long-term you need something you can do long-term. I don't know much about this diet, but if it's something you can keep up then I say go for it!