JMW829 Member


  • Racking the Hammer Strength Shoulder press 300 lbs..150 each arm for clean 4 reps.
  • I'm doing 5x5..right now. For a new lifter I wouldnt recommend doing 5x5 cause 1.) Improper form 2.) Too much weight not enough muscle mind connection. High reps and low weight give you room for error. You forget to slightly bend your knees on a 5x5 100lbs military press its in God's forget with a 30 pound…
  • Also if you can find a knowledgeable workout partner to workout with you for a couple of months you can get ahead of the trial and error phase.
  • My opinion, if you're trying to build muscle. 3 times a week, high rep low weight, coupled with 20-30 minutes cardio. For example its back day. Seated Back row 20 lbs for 12-15 reps 5 sets Lat pulldown 20-40 lbs 12-15 reps 5 sets Dumbell rows 15-25 lbs 12-15 reps So on and so forth Then end with 20-30 minute cardio search…
  • My names Jamal I recently went from 327 pounds to 279 and counting. I decided to switch from the 1500 calories to 1200..crazy huh? Anyways I'm looking for people to take this journey with motivators.