

  • @Ashleyisgreat- I usually do the same. Today, for instance, I noticed I was low on calories and fat so I enjoyed some nice peanut butter to get it up. It was just driving me nuts because I started looking them up a bit more and reading threads about them, and it seemed like everyone was saying something different. Which I…
  • That is such a relief to hear. :D I was confused because I cut out so much junk, and it's like "Really? What, am I going to have to cut out milk too?" So not having to worry so much about it is wonderful. I'll still avoid junk of course though. Thanks for telling me. I really appreciate it.
  • I usually tend to be pretty close to my fat and protein requirements but go way over sugar. It tends to be about 20-30 grams high. If this is a minimum number they give, then I don't have so much to worry about. If it's maximum....that's a much different story.
  • Have you tried eating some pretzels? They can be salty, and the tiny hard card aren't too terrible for you (if I'm reading the labels correctly).
  • Oh, thanks! Myplate seems really cool and handy. I'll be sure to use this to help me figure stuff out.
  • I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight. I'm 5'5, 5'6 and 123 pounds, so at the very most I would want to lose maybe one or two. What I'm really looking at is how to eat healthier because of how terrible me diet is. So my questions was, is it healthier and better to try and match up percentages or macros? :) Thanks for all…
  • Thanks for answering my question. If I'm correct, this mean I should try to meet my percentages over macros, right?
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