

  • The smartest people I know who maintain weight and overall fitness do not have a history of huge ups and downs. The rest of us do. Whatever "science" we want to apply, we have to get to another plateau of overall fitness (and some call the "lifestyle" choice. It is always incremental to get to a "new internal dialogue" and…
  • Thanks for the insights on SUPPLEMENTS. I am a skeptic about them for "fat burning" or much else. Metabolism is set by the reptilian part of the brain, the hypothalamus. Hard to believe that we can beat 50 million years of evolution with a few chemicals.
  • At 66 I am 22 months into reconditioning, having lost 25% body weight in fat and added new lean muscle of 3-5%. I keep an exercise log and use group sessions at a good sports club which run 1 hour and give me the techniques and variety that is useful for keeping me on track. I do not use a "fixed routine" but insure I…
  • Lost my 50 at ages 64-66 over an 18 month period. Reduced portions, eliminated processed foods, eliminated snacks, eliminated virtually all sweets such as cookies, pastries, etc. Still looking to take off another 15, but at 180 my metabolism is very efficient and it is tougher to keep losing a pound a week. Now it is 1/2…
  • You seem pretty young to be working a tough sleep/work/exercise cycle. It is a TIME MANAGEMENT question, pure and simple. You "own" the 24 hours. You divide it the way you can MANAGE it. Takes 3-9 weeks, depending on you, to make a change stick.
  • I use my public library in Fairfax County, Virginia, which has a pretty good collection of DVDs on yoga, tai chi, qi gong. I can go to the online catalog for a larger selection (which I can ask to be reserved and held for pick-up) or stop by the branch location which has a good, but more limited, selection.
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