gaylejones Member


  • A couple of lbs is not bad. Water retention, especially for women, can vary from day to day. I weigh every day, but only record it when I break my previous low point. I don't worry about it unless I have gained more than 5 lbs.
  • Jeffersonville, IN
  • You don't really need to count carbs so much. It's mainly staying away from anything made with white flour. Eat whole grains. For instance, it might say wheat bread, but it needs to say whole wheat. Stay away from potatoes of all kinds, including sweet potatoes, until you are well on your way toward your goal. Then only…
  • I know what you mean. I started using this web site a few months ago. I had lost some weight, but then we went on vacation and I gained it back. It's like I lose 4 lbs, and gain back 3. The older I get the harder it gets. I am determined this time; but then I say that every time. :ohwell: This time is different. I've said…
  • Carbs are essential for fuel, but if you make sure the carbs you eat have some fiber in them, then that fuel will burn slower and last longer. Your energy level will stay more evened out. If you eat a lot of carbs but not much fiber, then your fuel will burn faster, and your energy will bottom out. You'll find that you…