suzfimbres Member


  • I'm going to start a gluten free, dairy free, soy free diet with very little added sugar as soon as I'm feeling better from my laparoscopic surgery. I'll also be meeting with a nutritionist soon to see if any other foods are triggering the autoimmune reaction from my Hashimoto's. I'll keep you posted on if it works for me!…
  • Yeah, they put me on depo provera again, just because I already know how my body reacts to it and because I know it prevented all endo symptoms in the past. It definitely sucks, because I gained a ton of weight on it last time. :( And I also have Hashimoto's thyroiditis (autoimmune thyroid disorder), so that will make…
  • I'm 30 and just barely got my official diagnosis, but I've been dealing with endometriosis as far back as I can remember. Back when I was in high school my doctors said I didn't have it but they couldn't figure out any way to relieve my horrible symptoms other than putting me on depo provera. So basically they slapped a…
  • I cried last week when I got off the phone with my doctor telling me I tested positive for Hashi's. Then I started doing some research and cried in RELIEF also! I'm. Not. Crazy! And I'm not a hypochondriac! My friends and family have been so wonderful and understanding, and when I have said I felt like a hypochondriac…
  • Exercise goal: Week 1 of a 30 Day Challenge, treadmill for 20-30 minutes at least 3 mornings Nutritional goal: Commit to eating only fruits and vegetables until 1:00pm (as advised by nutritionist), and stay within calorie goal 7 days in a row Wellness goal: Enjoy one sunset with my husband, walk on the beach once, and…
  • I'm so excited to have found this group! My birthday is at the end of June and my anniversary is a couple weeks later, so I'm looking forward to being in better health by that time. Furthermore, I've been having a lot of health problems lately and I need to actually get committed to a healthier eating plan and exercise…
  • No, I don't know my trigger foods... I've tried tracking them, but my symptoms seem to be more closely related to stress than specific foods. Although I've definitely noticed that certain foods aggravate certain symptoms when I'm having one kind of flare up or another. Other than dairy, though, I don't see a direct link…
  • I am right there with ya! It took me a long time to finally start losing weight, a long time to finally figure out what my body needs as far as routine and diet in order to function properly. Everyone is so different, especially functioning with IBS. Our needs can change from day to day. And even when we are doing what has…
  • Hi there, new to the group, but not to the disease or even to MFP. Just hanging out at home this morning... Sick... Hoping I'm not putting my job in jeopardy because of another IBS flare up... :/ Lame. Well, thought I'd join a group to see how everyone else deals with it. Happy Monday!
  • I'll tell ya what I did... I moved to Southern California! LOL! Sorry, I know that isn't much help! Cheer up, Charlie, and go kick some butt at the gym!