Kristaqoit Member


  • Not sure if this group is still active . Most of the posts here are pretty old. Anyway if theres anyone out there I would love to be friends! Im having a hard time getting started with this weightloss and given my life style I feel like I can talk more freely in a group such as this.. Add me and tell me how your getting in…
  • Big difference! Great job! I have over 100 lbs to lose so I love to see success stories . very motivating! Keep up the good work!
  • You are awesome! I am 28 years old and close to 300 lbs. I have a 3 1/2 year old and I want to get healthy so I can keep up with her and participate in her childhood! I have a 130 lbs to lose and Ive been on MFP for 6 days and havent been able to complete a single day with out "cheating" .. I think you are a huge…
  • Awesome job! Today is day one of my journey and I have about 130 lbs to lose but this post gives me inspiration that this time next year I can look as good as you do! Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you all for your advice and encouragement already! It feels good and makes me want to get started right now! I think we will go for a walk this evening! I will keep track of everything and keep y'all posted. Im excited and cant wait to start reporting progress!