Beginner with a lot to lose..

Hey, y'all! I'm Krista and Im a 28 y/o mother of one from SC. I'm starting this MFP thing for about the fourth time. I never stuck with it before but I'm at rock bottom now (I've gained 60 lbs in less than a year!) I have got 130 lbs to lose and I have got to do it this time..for my 3year-old daughter.. she is so active and I am so overweight that I cant keep up, so I quit trying! She is forced to sit inside all weekend because im too embarrassed and lazy to put on clothes and play outside with her. I have outgrown my entire wardrobe and refuse to spend anymore money on bigger clothes.. Im just miserable, and its affecting my relationships with my family, my daughter especially. So any advice, support, tips...I will greatly appreciate. Ive got a long journey ahead of me and I would love to have some friends to take it with. Also , I dont know how to navigate this site or where to find recipes or even how to make one of thise nifty weight tracker thingies everyine seems to have. This site should come with a tour guide! Hope to get to knowsome of you. And good luck to everyone!


  • lauriemueller9
    Just take it one step at a time. If you try to do too much too fast it will not last! Log everything!! Make small changes you can live with, then make more small changes.You can do this!
  • themailmanswife
    themailmanswife Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I am with ya! I have two beautiful children (7&2) and a wonderful husband. Somehow I lost myself! I am starting this journey and I am in week two! Let's keep connected and encourage one another!!! :)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi! Take it in small steps - friend request sent to you!
  • smenjme
    Best advice, track everything, don't lie to yourself about what you ate, even when you cheat and eat a fun size snickers, log it. Accountability to this application is a huge motivator for me to keep my food goals in line. I hit several plateaus in the last year and half and only when I came back to tracking all my food and lowing my carbs, increasing my good fats, did I see the scale start to move again. You have a huge motivation in wanting to be there for your daughter and keep up with her high energy. But by doing this for yourself and her, you are teaching her good eating habits from an early age.... good luck!
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    Im sending you a friend request
    take it slow like the other poster said because if you dive in too fast
    simply put eat less move more
    make changes you can live with small simple ones
    like taking less at dinner
    getting up and dancing with your daughter turn on some music do it for a song or two she will love it and you will feel better
    make them habits
  • karenbrier
    I was there when my son was little. I know EXACTLY how you feel. First of all, find SOMETHING to put on, then take your baby and go to the nearest thrift store, Goodwill or Salvation Army. Find some pants or sweats and a shirt (very cheap) so you have something to wear but don't feel guilty about spending money on new clothes. AND you are helping out a good cause.

    Then, start walking. Just walk, sweetie. You can do that and your child will LOVE it. It can be as slow as you need it to be. You just have to get started and don't worry about what you look like or who is looking because the real truth is no one who matters cares what you look like.

    Then start looking at what you are eating. Cut the carbs DRASTICALLY. Eat veggies and fruit and nuts and beans/legumes and lean protein. Add some quinoa or barley or buckwheat if you must have some grains, but you will be less hungry and snack-y if you do that.

    Then, set a goal for the day: today I will take the baby out and walk for 10 minutes or 20 minutes - whatever it is. I will eat a smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch. I will make grilled chicken and brocoli for dinner - something easy like that.
    Then set a goal for the week: this week I will walk five times. This week I will stay on plan for eating at least 5 days.

    You don't have to be perfect, but every single step you take will get you closer to feeling better about yourself.
    And you have to do that because that baby is learning to think about herself from YOU and we teach what we do, not what we say. I know, because I have a kid who is sad about how he looks and it makes him want to stay inside. I have to really work to help get him outside and stay active because of who I was when he was growing up. But he does it and he plays baseball and rides his bike and plays basketball and loves to walk on his treadmill and play video games.

    You can do this! Check out my blog at for more ideas.
  • Kristaqoit
    Kristaqoit Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and encouragement already! It feels good and makes me want to get started right now! I think we will go for a walk this evening! I will keep track of everything and keep y'all posted. Im excited and cant wait to start reporting progress!
  • leona74
    leona74 Posts: 18 Member
    I am with you-I too needs some encouragement and friends to take the journey. I will keep myself accountable to track everything!! It truly does make a difference. I am also a beginner with alot to lose:)
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    Just remember: everyone starts somewhere. When you're just starting off, the goal can look so far away. I am only trying to lose 30 pounds or so, but even for me, when I began it just seemed like I would never get there. Well, three months later I am down almost 20 pounds and getting closer everyday. I can tell you that those three months have flown by and I feel so much better about myself already. I am glad I started when I did because the sooner you start, the sooner you'll get there!
  • mercergirl2008
    mercergirl2008 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also starting over. You can do it. One day at a time to your goal.
  • Jenninscotland
    Jenninscotland Posts: 97 Member
    You can do it. Along with the great tips already shared here, I would also recommend buying a food scale. I had NO IDEA how much I was under estimating when I did actually start weighing everything (and I absolutely weigh everything now unless it is clearly marked on the packaging).

    You'll see people talking about eating clean - just natural foods and minimal processed foods. I also advocate this - although there are some standard staples like popcorn and naughty treats that I eat that are packaged - not because I don't absolutely believe in clean eating, but because I know there are certain things that I cannot trust myself to measure out and I rely on the packaging to help me with portion control.

    Good luck - you can do it :)
  • denijones1
    denijones1 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am a 4th 5th or 6th timer. It's hard for me to stay focused and my will power is terrible. I have 80 pds to lose and like you, I really need to do it this time. I will continue to share and hopefully gain strength from those of you already on the journey.
  • ncast139
    Best advice, track everything, don't lie to yourself about what you ate, even when you cheat and eat a fun size snickers, log it.

    I can't agree more. This is my 2nd time trying to get with the program and one thing I feel that will really get me to where I'm going is the fact that Im so conscious of my actions now.

    Don't give up! Add me if you want! :smile:

    Good Luck!

  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Good day to you young lady. I have 150 to lose myself. I understand how weight can affect relationships. I am a former firefighter and police officer. My sons want to follow in my footsteps and be public servents also, but its kinda hard to instil values and principle when I am as big as I am. Would love to be your friend here.

    And don't be alarmed with all the different places to navigate on the site. I havn't navigated through all of them personally, but to be honest, you don't HAVE TO use all of the site. Get aqquainted with maybe 3 different areas (especially food, exercise, and friends), then expand from that. Have fun poking around and stay in touch!
  • catnorbury
    catnorbury Posts: 35 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from, i too have a wardrobe where all the nice clothes are collecting dust as they dont fit and i keep wearing the same clothes over and over,, that do fit. I also have a 3 year old girl and OMG where do they get their energy from ha ha?! You have already made 1 step forward in coming back so just keep doing that, today maybe a walk, tomorrow better food choices and a longer walk etc, they dont have to be massive strides or massive lifestyle changes - even a baby step can propel you forward to being closer to your goal. You can do it!
  • llabruce4
    llabruce4 Posts: 41 Member
    I am a fellow South Carolinian, so I will be pulling for you. You can do this, and this can be a great tool