Jayombie Member


  • I prefer bands, plus they seem kinder to your body (drop a band on your foot it doesn't break). :D
  • Home gym is easy and cheap, I used to use weights but found they took to much space up in the room. So now I use my own body weight as in press-ups, crunches and the bridge to name a few to keep things simple. Equipment wise I keep things small, resistance bands on a hook floor level, one kettle bell, one Abs Roller, a…
  • Cereals, I read so many conflicting reports that cereal isn't good for you. Specially cereal with gluten wheat as that's not digestible I have read. So I got thinking would Corn Flakes be okay, as they are corn not wheat. So that's what I am eating at the moment, with a glass of Alpro Soya Choc milk, and my god its nice *!*
  • 43 here from Birmingham, .... 44 in November.. Just started with this keep fit site and so far its pretty good I must say.