queensley69 Member


  • I am midway through week 2 on the 5-day gluten-free bistro md plan with snacks and have lost 5 lbs so far. The food is very good - for what it is - varied and very filling, and having the "what will I eat today?" Voice in my head turned off is a huge relief. I'm planning to try to stay on it for 4 months - maybe more if I…
  • 5 feet no inches here... Currently 167, want to be 130... Would be happy for 140. Have a terrible track record for being motivated and consistent for a week or so, then fall off the wagon and slack off and put it all back. Would love accountability buddies!
  • Ah. SO I should DEFINITELY stop trusting MFP on calories burned. That explains.. a LOT. *sigh* :) Thanks for the info!