5'2 losing 50 pounds



  • vsoffen
    vsoffen Posts: 190 Member
    I find if I exercise it helps me stick to healthier food choices too...I have booked in for a class at the gym for the first time Wednesday morning. Now the kids are back at school I'm hoping to get some jogging in too!!!
  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm 5' 1 1/2" and I started at 240. I'm on week 6 and I've lost 18.8 lbs. Please feel free to add me! I'm always looking for others to help motivate each other! It's been up and down but when I'm down I read success stories, before after photos, quotes, and new recipies! It's a way for me to remember that this is a struggle that I can fight. My first goal is to become too thin for my stupid ugly belt. I'm on the first notch now so I'm almost there! Next goal is to get out of the 200s!
  • karenefwalsh
    karenefwalsh Posts: 16 Member
    Another 5'2" lady here wanting to lose 30-35 pounds. I've lost some, managed to keep 15 off completely, but keep gaining & losing the same 10 pounds the past 6 months. My body seems to not want to go below 170 for more than a few weeks. It makes me crazy. I'm up for any encouragement, ideas & support I can give or get!
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5"1 1/2
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5"1 1/2
    And the rest of my post didn't even post
  • chelseakrenzke
    chelseakrenzke Posts: 47 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5"1 1/2
    And the rest of my post didn't even post

    Haha of course.....so what was the rest of the post @Frenchers11?

  • queensley69
    queensley69 Posts: 4 Member
    5 feet no inches here... Currently 167, want to be 130... Would be happy for 140. Have a terrible track record for being motivated and consistent for a week or so, then fall off the wagon and slack off and put it all back. Would love accountability buddies!
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5"1 1/2
    And the rest of my post didn't even post

    Haha of course.....so what was the rest of the post @Frenchers11?

    I tried to post twice but it only post the first sentence
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member
    queensley69 we are twins! 5 feet nothing here and I'm currently at 167, too! I'm aiming for 130-135. I was so close a few years ago and then I let it all slip away. Now I'm back at it and I'm determined to do this once and for all B)
  • kfm6
    kfm6 Posts: 146 Member
    5 feet no inches here... Currently 167, want to be 130... Would be happy for 140. Have a terrible track record for being motivated and consistent for a week or so, then fall off the wagon and slack off and put it all back. Would love accountability buddies!

    I'm interested in a buddy. I've lost 30 pounds and have been stuck on a plateau. I have another 30 to go. Friend me if you want mutual support.

  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    So I'm having a hard time sticking to this :( I'll be good and motivated for a couple weeks and lose a few pounds but then I get off track and stop for a few weeks and gain it back :/

    It was easy when my boyfriend was on board with me, we'd keep each other in line hahaha. But now he's done and I need someone to help me out with this. An accountability buddy :)

    Right now I'm at about 180 and I would like to get down to 130. Haven't been down to this weight in about 4 years so it would be an amazing accomplishment....it needs to happen haha.

    Sooo feel free to add me, message me, I'd also like to know your goals and achievements so far :)

  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    Hey girly we are in the same boat I'm about 5'2 and 180 and also with the similar weight goal.
  • chelseakrenzke
    chelseakrenzke Posts: 47 Member
    That's awesome @shianeg what is your plan to lose the weight and when do you want to lose it by?
  • shianeg
    shianeg Posts: 20 Member
    Well I can't be so active right now cause I had surgery on my foot so I'm trying to focus on my eating habits and staying in a 1200 calorie range until I'm able to exercise. I would like to lose it by June fingers crossed. Or at least be down to 150 by June which was my average weight through high school.
  • lucylu7406
    lucylu7406 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5ft no inches and weigh 136, started out at 153! I log in everyday and workout 5 to 6 times a week! I will definitely motivate and like your comments!
  • deannster1
    deannster1 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently at 195. Goal is 130. I'm on here every day and always looking for people to buddy up with and stay motivated! I've logged in for 45 days straight and lost 11 lbs in that time. I'm also on Fitbit (https://www.fitbit.com/user/32M759) if anyone wants to join me there for walking challenges! :smile:
  • oddlyotter
    oddlyotter Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 5'2". I started at 192! It's been an up and down few months but I'm at 176 now. My goal is 135-140. So I've lost 16 lbs and have another 40ish to go!

    Cutting out sugars has been working for me. This means most bread products too. And no starchy potatoes (even though I love them). No sugar (and the bread and potatoes turn into sugar when you eats them) and just lots of veggies! Of course lots of water too. It sounds simple but when you're so used to adding noodles or potatoes to fluff meals up, it's hard to take them out!

    I'd love some more people to share this weightloss adventure with.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    I'm new here to MFP and I'm so glad to find a group of shorties to join me on this journey!! I'm 5' 1( and a half!) I've lost 10 pounds over the last 2.5 weeks.
    Sitting at 206 right now, goal is 130. My mini goal is to get out of the 200s and then to hit 175 by Christmas. Just started doing aquafit twice a week, would like to add in some walking and hand weights.
    love to get to know you all!!
  • chelseakrenzke
    chelseakrenzke Posts: 47 Member
    @shianeg that's an awesome plan and goal! I know you can get there!

    @lucylu7406 your doing great! Add me we can help motivate each other :)

    @deannster1 that's an awesome goal, you seem very determined! Congrats on the 45 days of logging

    @oddlyotter great job on your weight loss so far, were around the same weight and height and have similar goals. Add me :) I know what you mean about cutting out those foods I'm trying to do that too!

    @goingape welcome to MFP! Congrats on your weight loss so far 10 pounds in just over 2 weeks is amazing! Great goals you've set for yourself as well.

    All of you girls have awesome goals and I know you will all reach them! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    4'11 with 70 pounds to lose. Managed to lose 30 at one point but gained it back. It's a struggle, especially when you're not really active.