

  • As I started my journey I have done a lot of learning. I like concrete data. As we all probably know by now...3,500 calories = 1 lb. Based on my height, weight and lifestyle I am supposed to eat 1,200 cal to lose 1 lb per week. I was having a hard time putting that into practice when we don't really know how many calories…
  • This is a great idea! I am always looking for measuring cups and the 2 that we have seem to always be dirty. I am going to buy tons more today so that they are always available. I have a great flat scale already and it works wonders!
  • This is a great idea! I am always looking for measuring cups and the 2 that we have seem to always be dirty. I am going to buy tons more today so that they are always available. I have a great flat scale already and it works wonders!
  • Thank you! It looks like you are way on your way to accomplish your goal. Kudos for that!
  • Have you thought that maybe YOU don't want to marry him? That maybe there is another "better" guy around the corner for you? If it is the kids, having kids together is not the reason to stay with someone that doesn't want to be with you. If you love him, YOU have to define the reasons why you love him. If those reasons are…
  • I think that it is fun to see how "Hot" you can get. It's like a game. The same kind of game as how high can I get in the corporate ladder. I, by no means, measure my self worth on this. I know who I am and who I am is pretty awesome! However, If I loose those 25 lbs, I could not only look HOT but I could also buy cuter…
  • Don't get me wrong, I think that I am quite attractive and with the right clothes people wouldn't believe that I have to lose weight. All I am saying that if I lost those 25 lbs I could seriously be a knockout. You know, the kind that wears a 2 piece swimsuit at the pool and everyone looks at. Yep that could be me. If I am…
  • I believe in cheat meals once in a while. I try to do those for lunch so that I have time to make it up for dinner. I make it up either by excercing or eating less. And if one day I go over, I try to go under the next day. It's all right. It is a matter of math. 3,500 = 1 lb How cool is that?