

  • Currently repeating week 4. Completed 2 days, day three tomorrow. Like 'back2happy200' I was very apprehensive about moving to week 4, and repeated week 3 about 3 times. To be honest I have repeated each week several times, until I felt comfortable moving forward. IMHO I think the 9 week programme is fine for those who are…
  • Hi, I'm from Bedfordshire. Feel free to add me.
  • I am 52 and 6 weeks into changing my life. Started at 297lb so far lost 6lbs with still a long way to go. Looking for support from fellow MFP'ers. Log in daily so anyone please feel free to add me.
  • So its been a few days since my last post here. I have now completed Week 1 twice. Really proud of the achievement. I can definitely notice my stamina getting better. Even to the point after completing the last two sessions I have continued to walk for about 15 mins, taking the long way home. But here is the shocker - was…
  • So completed 2 x W1D1. I'll swear it's getting harder, although I did manage to lift the pace just a little. Also trying to adjust my posture as tending to lean forward, so trying to keep my back straight and shoulders back, not all hunched forward. But nearly quit, had to push to finish. But was so glad that I did, and…
  • Hi rahdeyoung, Good for you well done for completing 3 sessions of week 1 :happy: I did 3rd session on Wed but like you will be repeating Week 1. So next one is Fri 10/08/13. Wan't to get to a point where my jog pace is at least as fast as my walk pace, especially after about the 4th 1 min jog before moving on to week 2.
  • Iawol - BRILLIANT, massive WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!! So it was 50% mental after all. Doesn't matter if it takes 1 week or 2 weeks to be able to complete a full week1 session. Just keep steadily improving at your pace. So I will be doing session 3 Week 1 tonight. Will be repeating week 1 till I feel comfortable to move on to week…
  • Thanks! 5K & 10K thats impressive, although not as impressive as loosing 310lb. Probably couldn't even walk 5K in one go at the moment. And 10K that's seems soooooo far away. But will be persevering. Will probably repeat week one till confident to move on. Also conscious that running/jogging carrying so much weight cant be…
  • Just. A few days into using MFP, so please excuse the noddy question. When measuring water intake what is a "cup". I am recording cups (1, 2,3 .etc) but in actuality each so called cup is a 250ml glass of water.
  • Hi everyone! So just started this last week, Tue 30th Jul to be exact. Bathroom scales only go up to 21st (294lbs) and got a massive shock when my family made me weigh myself on my birthday last Saturday and the scales went past 21st and kept going all the way to zero again. So I start this journey estimating my start…