

  • OK...I think I have it....please correctme if I am wrong. My BMR is 2261 so setting MFP @ 1200 would give me a calorie deficit of 1000 per day. Adding in any exercise would then in crease my net on MFP. I then add these two figures together for my daily net? E.G. I consume 1200 calories on Monday. I also run and cycle…
  • Teach how to hold a camera.......
  • Thanks Ruth. As you seem pretty knowledgeable, perhaps you could assist. I have checked my BMR & TDEE but they are the same? I tried a few sites and they both returned values of 2261. Also, was I correct not to account for the exercise I do during the week? I figure that if I state that I do little to no exercise then any…
  • Thanks Ruth - I will have a look on Google as I have no idea what you are talking about!? :) I am generally sticking to 1550 calories a day and typically exercise daily burning on average 550 more. I know I could just use avaerages and say per day my deficit is c2000 but Im not losing a lb of fat every two days and wanted…
  • Hi Guys and girls, Please see my previous post in a different forum below :) Has anyone got any decent diet plans around the 1500 calorie mark? I’m currently eating what appears to be next to nothing and while I don’t find myself particularly hungry (although cutting out the regular beer intake has been tough!) I am also…
  • Hi Guys and girls, Please see my previous post in a different forum below :) Has anyone got any decent diet plans around the 1500 calorie mark? I’m currently eating what appears to be next to nothing and while I don’t find myself particularly hungry (although cutting out the regular beer intake has been tough!) I am also…
  • Has anyone got any decent diet plans around the 1500 calorie mark? I’m currently eating what appears to be next to nothing and while I don’t find myself particularly hungry (although cutting out the regular beer intake has been tough!) I am also now starting to incorporate moderate weights and cardio and finding diets with…
  • 28 biologically.....much younger mentally :)
  • Hi all, Just make the age bracket. Wont be happy when I cant say that anymore :( Loving the Goku pic btw! :):):)