Net Calorie loss/gain per week

ssjghost Posts: 10
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello all,

I'm pretty new to posting in these forums and apart from the calorie counter, haven't used much of FMP.

Can anyone tell me if there is/how to find a report that accounts for all your exercise, calorie counting etc to show how under your normal allowance is?

I have heard you need to reduce calories by c3600 to lose a 1lb of fat. I would like to see how I am doing on a weekly basis as I am exercising almost daily and c900 calories under my recommended per day.

Thanks in advance.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    so how many calories are you consuming in a day?

    you will get lots of feedback on here, you need to work out your BMR and TDEE, there is a formula for those, ask google or search on here a forum post called 'in place of the road map' that has the formula.

    Ideally you should net 1200 per day after exercise (I currently have MFP set to 1400/day but I usually workout daily so average around 1600 cals eating back half of my exercise cals. I try to net at 1400 and no lower than 1200 and I'm losing weight :-D)

    It differs per person by weight and height how much they should eat.

    and yes 3500 cals = 1lb
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
    Go to reports (on top, in between Exercise and Apps) and there should be an area that allows you to see your calories for the week, month, year...etc. There are several reports you can pull up and view.
  • ssjghost
    Thanks Ruth - I will have a look on Google as I have no idea what you are talking about!? :)
    I am generally sticking to 1550 calories a day and typically exercise daily burning on average 550 more.

    I know I could just use avaerages and say per day my deficit is c2000 but Im not losing a lb of fat every two days and wanted something a bit more accurate.

    Thanks again.

    Thanks AM1 - I tried going there but it doesnt give me the information I need and I would have to manually check and complete sums....rubbish! :)
    Thanks though :)
  • ssjghost
    so how many calories are you consuming in a day?

    you will get lots of feedback on here, you need to work out your BMR and TDEE, there is a formula for those, ask google or search on here a forum post called 'in place of the road map' that has the formula.

    Ideally you should net 1200 per day after exercise (I currently have MFP set to 1400/day but I usually workout daily so average around 1600 cals eating back half of my exercise cals. I try to net at 1400 and no lower than 1200 and I'm losing weight :-D)

    It differs per person by weight and height how much they should eat.

    and yes 3500 cals = 1lb

    Thanks Ruth. As you seem pretty knowledgeable, perhaps you could assist.

    I have checked my BMR & TDEE but they are the same? I tried a few sites and they both returned values of 2261.
    Also, was I correct not to account for the exercise I do during the week? I figure that if I state that I do little to no exercise then any I do completed will just be extra burnt calories?

    Furthermore, am I correct in thinking (gross over-simplification coming up) the BMR is basically how many calories you need to stay in bed all day? I’m not sure what the TDEE is.....a more accurate version of the above?

    Sorry for n00b questions...
  • ssjghost
    OK...I think I have it....please correctme if I am wrong.

    My BMR is 2261 so setting MFP @ 1200 would give me a calorie deficit of 1000 per day.
    Adding in any exercise would then in crease my net on MFP. I then add these two figures together for my daily net?

    E.G. I consume 1200 calories on Monday. I also run and cycle burning a further 450 calories. My net reduced calories against my BMR therefore would be 1450 for the day.

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