

  • SW: 351 CW: 341 GW: 320 Weigh in Dates: 8/5 - 341 8/12 - 332 8/16 - 330 8/26 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: - 2 for the week =(
  • bump
  • I love the ink. I love the process of finding that perfect piece of art that fits you just right. I however am not a fan of those who get inked just for the sake of getting ink. But thats their thing so more power to em. I dont judge. I have 4 and have the bug to get more. I have a few designs in mind thst i want to get.…
  • I'm also a dispatcher and I've been back on night shift for 5 1/2 years now and I treat it like day time. I get up around 7pm and around 9 i'll have my breakfast. I take Smart Ones meals to work with me and try to eat every 2 1/2 to3 hours but that's not always possible. I also try to snack on some fruit off and on as…
  • I can totally relate. I've been dispatching for 19 years.. 8 of those on nights. GOOD TIMES
  • Started my journey at 351 lbs 11 days ago. Current weight? 341. Goal weight by end of Aug? 320.. Overall? 185
  • HOLY SH** DUDE.. that's fantastic. Keep rockin it.
  • welcome back and good luck to ya.
  • I'm in. Let's see what happens. I sleep during the day so my updates will be late night/early morning SW: 341 CW: 341 GW: 320 Weigh in Dates: 8/5 - 8/12 8/19 8/26 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: NOTE: These posts reset at 500. If the thread locks, go to the last post and look for the…
  • I have never used Fitbit. I use Endomondo. For what I do which is strictly walking at the moment, it's great. It tracks my time, distance, cals burned. I can set goals such as distance or time. I can listen to my music that's saved on my phone which is nice. It can link to MFP so whatever you do rolls over here once you…
  • I've never used Fitbit. I use Endomondo and have been very happy with it. It tracks what you do, how many cals burned, you can set various goals depending on what you want to do and if you're walking or running, it uses the GPS in you cell phone to map your course. It also allows you to listen to your music if you have 'em…
  • Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll definitely look into that. I've looking at some ASICS but haven't had the guts to throw down $100 for them yet. I miss my Skechers.
  • I know how all this stuff fells as well. Being 5'9" tall and 350 lns SUCKS. 2 years ago i signed up here and began to work on it and had lost 70lbs. I plateaued and just couldnt figure out how to break thru so what did i do? I gave in and put all that stuff back and then some until i maxed out 2 weeks ago at 351lbs. Six…