

  • In order to be really useful, we would need more information as already mentioned by these other mothers. Some other things that could cause this: Lactose intolerance (baby does not gain because his body cannot handle milk products consumed by you. This does not mean you have to quit nursing, but is does mean that you have…
  • Well I am not a new mom (my kids are 3 1/2 and 14 mo.) but I will gladly be your friend if you want me to.
  • I am currently nursing my 14 mo. old son. He is my second; I nursed my first for a year, and hope to go until at least 18 mo. with this one. Please feel free to add me. I would love to have some extra support, and would love to be supportive as well.
  • My 14 mo. old is almost done nursing, but I still love to make homemade oatmeal cookies and have them for snacks. I use honey in place of most of the sugar, and it makes it so much healthier! I make a huge batch, and then freeze the dough in cookie shapes. You can take them from the freezer and put them right into the oven.
  • I usually weigh myself weekly at the same time - as soon as I get up in the morning and after I go to the bathroom.
  • I have a major sweet tooth as well. I have also discovered that if I tell myself no to the sweet all the time, I have a tendency to binge on it when I do have it. For me, when I get a craving for something sweet, I have a "fun size" portion. That still gives me the taste I want without ruining my diet or making me feel…
  • Count me in. Realistic goal: 15
  • I agree with redheadmommy. Take him off and firmly say no biting. Also I would add that sometimes when babies are getting close to being done with a nursing session, they tend to play around. If you notice he is getting ready to be done take him off so that he does not have the chance to bite. If he plays around and bites…
  • I am now nursing my second baby who is nine months today. Do you nurse at least once in the middle of the night? Or get up and at least pump? That will help with your supply because research has shown the level of prolactin (the hormone responsible for making milk) is higher during times of highest milk production and that…
  • Are you talking about Jillian Michael's 30 day shred? I am doing that and am on day 4.