

  • There's been some good suggestions on here, personally since I started trying to lose weight I have tried to limit going out, when I do I drink vodka and diet coke, and also do what msarro does - set a budget! If I'm going out I work out that day, save up all my exercise calories and calculate how many drinks I can have…
  • I totally agree with red01angel! I think it's because by that time of night you are most likely to have already used up your calories for the day so you could go over easily, and really, who craves a salad and beans at 9pm, it's all about chocolate and chips! About the sleep thing - I really think working with your body's…
  • I am all for keeping an eye on your carb intake but having no carbs at all for 2 weeks is, in my opinion, madness. Your brain NEEDS carbohydrates. I'm a science student and I know that it is essential for me to eat a healthy amount of carbs just to pay attention in lectures and write reports! I have tried eliminating all…
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