abbydownton Member


  • I'm sorry you're having a rough time, miclyn3. I don't have any weight loss suggestions - mine is bouncing around at the moment as well. I just wanted to encourage you to keep on keeping on. I completed week 8 today. Still hard. But covering more ground. Hoping to run my first 5k in early November if I can get some speed…
  • When I miss a day, I just pick up the scheduled workout the next time I run. But I've repeated workouts and also have done some free runs and I think I would win the prize for the longest time taken to complete this program. What fun to have your family doing this together! This morning at the end of the cool down, I heard…
  • Today I was supposed to be w8d3, but somehow ended up doing w9d3 - the last day of the program. It's only 2 minutes more, so I'll back up to the previous workouts next time. I found a new route that's less hilly, still my pace is slooooow. I covered just over 3 miles in 38 minutes, including the 5 minutes of warm up and…
  • I've been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, currently up a couple and won't change my ticker, lol. 5'7 cw 141 gw 135 age 58 All my extra weight is in my tummy. I'm doing 30ds and am on week 8 of c25k. I've always wanted to be a runner, but sadly I'm more of a shuffler. Would love to be added.
  • I'm on week 8 and still feeling like it's so hard. I started in April; have had to repeat some weeks, take time off for an ankle injury, and then there was a heat wave and well, it was hot. Considering I started the program by running around in my house, then moved to running around in my yard, and then took the big leap…