How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    I ran yesterday but pain in side was really bad after - I think I have a strain so having to take some time off. Hoping maybe by mid-week I might be ok again but don't want to aggrivate it. If I have to take long off will probably have to jump a week back to build myself up again?

    Nyk :(
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey everyone! Did w6d3 yesterday, and I'm still alive! I had to restart w6 because I was sick for a week and a half.

    Nyk, I had to stop after w6d2, and I had 1.5 weeks off. When I got better, I did w6d1. It was hard, but the second day was easier. Hope that helps.
  • wendyrn1
    wendyrn1 Posts: 28 Member
    Wow 25 minutes....I will get there one day.... I'm on week W3D2.....Have you tried to track your path?
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I just finished my W3D3 run today.

    I'm loving it this time. This is probably the 7th time I've started and I usually hate it by this point.

    I'm running a little more, 4-5 days a week.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    This morning I did W5D1. I did great. no problems. I will be doing D2 on Wednesday and then hopefully the big D3 on Friday. I may wait until Saturday to give myself an extra day of rest for it. We will see, 20 minutes of running just seems so long. It may take 2-3 attempts at D3.
  • miclyn3
    miclyn3 Posts: 6 Member
    I finished week 4 day 1 today! I did it! Though there were times when I was praying my running time was up because I wasn't sure I was going to make it but I did! Hoping day 2 & 3 will be a little easier. Really liking the program though because in the past I would get burned out and quit. So far so good!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Forgot to post last week. I completed w5d3 on Thursday and completed w6d1 yesterday. Hoping to get w6d2 tomorrow. Going to shoot to do every other day until I complete the program now. I have a 5K 3 weeks from this Saturday. Every other day would give me just over a week before that. If I have to add an extra day in once or twice I should still have a week.

    Great job everyone for completing the next day and moving to the next week. Awesome!!!
  • abbydownton
    abbydownton Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on week 8 and still feeling like it's so hard. I started in April; have had to repeat some weeks, take time off for an ankle injury, and then there was a heat wave and well, it was hot. Considering I started the program by running around in my house, then moved to running around in my yard, and then took the big leap to running the streets, that is progress. Still, so hard. I'll be following along here.

    This is my first post!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Is there a group or is it just messaging on here? I'd like to join in!! My dad used to be a marathon runner (he's 63) and stopped running about 5 yrs ago due to an ATV accident that broke his collar bone and the jolting from the running hurt him, and he never picked it up. He handed me a flyer a week ago about a 5K run in our area (we live in booney land) and I had tried c25K before but never with a goal 5K in mind, just wanted to try the program. Well, I brought it up to my fiance and he's pretty out of shape too and while I've been working out with Turbo Fire and he sees I'm getting results and eating better and getting more energy, he has decided he wants to get healthy, too, but he's not a DVD workout person, so we decided we were going to use this C25K program to get us ready for this 5K and have a goal together to complete the 5K, even if we are the slowest joggers, we want to complete it. :)

    So, we started Sunday with week 1 day 1 (for some reason we just really wanted to start that day) and today did week 1 day 2. Our kids joined us today, who are in much better shape than us because of being in sports up until this past summer. It was awesome doing this with the family today and I hope they will see us parents doing it and want to keep going with us! :)

    Anyway, that's kind of our little background! I'm a plus size girlie. The main reason I stopped back when I first started was this woman neighbor (we have to pass her house to get home) made a comment that really made me SELF CONSCIOUS about getting out there and jogging. I was only on week 2 day 2 of C25K and I had my dog with me (who is a pug, they snort a lot) and she made a comment in front of my fiance and her kids about she saw me out jogging the other day and said "I don't know who was worse off, you or the dog" and she was laughing about it, but it really REALLY made me self-conscious, and I pretty much stopped doing it after that day.

    But, having my whole family with me, well I felt better doing it, and we even passed her house today as a family and she said "You're looking good!" so I know she was just joking, but it was still one of those things that a girl like me who has 50 MORE pounds to lose doesn't want to hear, ya know?

    Anyway, thanks for reading if you're still reading, lol.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    @mimiteh35, I know what you mean by being self conscious when running. I was running on the treadmill one day and my husband came running down the basement because it sounded like the treadmill was breaking. Now I won't run on it unless he is out of the house or sleeping, even though he had no idea I was running on it and he didn't really mean anything by it. Some day I will get over it.

    Today I did W5D2. I felt like I could have done another 8 minutes. I think I am ready for D3 on Friday.
  • miclyn3
    miclyn3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on week 8 and still feeling like it's so hard. I started in April; have had to repeat some weeks, take time off for an ankle injury, and then there was a heat wave and well, it was hot. Considering I started the program by running around in my house, then moved to running around in my yard, and then took the big leap to running the streets, that is progress. Still, so hard. I'll be following along here.

    This is my first post!

    Whoo hoo! Good for you! I had to start out slow too. I started around my small block at first. I'm on week 4 and am surprised that I can still do it but am also so happy! I'm also new to posting!

    Keep up the great work!
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    I got to week 7 last time and quit.... Started again a couple weeks ago, granted i did the first run several times just to get a feel for it again. Its a great program, only this time i intend to do it at my own pace. Week 7 seemed too daunitng, so maybe doubling up a couple weeks will help me complete it this time.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    W6d2 done!! Wahoo!!! I may wait until Sat to do day 3. At the start I didn't think that I would be able to handle anything past w4. I'm so happy that this program has been so great for me (and for all of you guys too). Keep up the great work!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Yesterday I did W4D2. Did it around the neighborhood and not the treadmill and it was BRUTAL. According to GPS, I went faster than treadmill, but didn't feel like it.
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Hello girls... congrats to all of you! I'm still taking time out after injuring my side/hip. Have not done anything aside from stretching since Saturday but tonight I gave in a did a little strength training too. Going to have a walk tomorrow - just take it gently and see how I do. Hip feels a bit better but still painful when walking upstairs etc and I don't want to injure further but also scared I'm gonna get out of routine with exercise and set myself far back with the C25K.... maybe by Sat. I'll be able to run again....
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    @mimiteh35, I know what you mean by being self conscious when running. I was running on the treadmill one day and my husband came running down the basement because it sounded like the treadmill was breaking. Now I won't run on it unless he is out of the house or sleeping, even though he had no idea I was running on it and he didn't really mean anything by it. Some day I will get over it.

    Today I did W5D2. I felt like I could have done another 8 minutes. I think I am ready for D3 on Friday.

    :( I had a similar experience when I was doing Turbo Fire because of the jumping and stuff, on hardwood floors... my kids, they laughed, it was embarassing. I do exercise, but not when anyone is awake, I've found a better spot to exercise that doesn't make as much noise, but I do know what you mean!!!
  • jfl5
    jfl5 Posts: 37
    W4D2 in the books.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    W5D3 successfully completed today! Can't believe I ran 20 minutes without stopping and there wasn't an ice cream truck in front of me. :laugh: I repeated a few days because I wanted to see if I could improve my time, not because I couldn't finish (except I'm hoping to sign up for a local 5K race in mid-October.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    ^^ lol on the ice cream truck.

    I completed week 5 today. I ran the whole 20 minutes without stopping. I did take it slow, but I did it. Bring on week 6. I will start W6 bright and early Monday morning. I never thought I could accomplish this at my age.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I'm on week 8 and still feeling like it's so hard. I started in April; have had to repeat some weeks, take time off for an ankle injury, and then there was a heat wave and well, it was hot. Considering I started the program by running around in my house, then moved to running around in my yard, and then took the big leap to running the streets, that is progress. Still, so hard. I'll be following along here.

    This is my first post!

    The best part of all this is that you're still DOING! You haven't given up and look how far you've come. You have a lot to be proud of, welcome.