jmharring1953 Member


  • Sorry........didn't mean to take over the post.
  • I love walking......just need to get out and do it. That's why I was thinking a treadmill would be when the weather is bad I have no excuse.
  • She's an internist. Actually she's the one that suggested this site. Been through menopause, taking thyroid meds (had diseased thyroid removed about 10 years ago), and as far as exercise it's limited to household & grandkids. I work full time but sit at a computer all day. To be honest, going to a gym isn't an option. Have…
  • OK - am I calculating incorrectly because here's my stats: w - 156, h - 5' 3", a - 60 and it seems like an awful lot of calories. Harris-Benedict - 2547 (655 + 9.6*Weight + 1.8*Height – 4.7*Age) Mifflin-St. Jeor - 2086 (9.99*Weight + 6.25*Height – 4.92*Age -161) Sorry....this is just confusing. My doc said I should be…
  • I'm just confused about the caloric intake. Like I said, I eat 1200 calories a day but if I go by the BMR calculator or the Harris-Benedict equation the numbers are much different. So do you eat LESS calories to lose weight or MORE??? Like you said I've eaten alot more food - for instance at Thanksgiving - thinking I would…
  • Did you use the BMR calculator to determine the amount of calories you should be eating? I'm never quite sure if that's what I should be using.
  • In the same boat..........not sure if I need to cut back on caloric intake. Right now eating 1200 calories and have lost about 25 pounds since August 1st. I really am not one to exercise so I don't know if that's the reason I'm stuck or not. My doctor was the one who suggested counting calories vs going with a fad diet and…
  • Turned 60 in March. Started this journey on August 1st to lose 30-40 lbs. I've given up diet soda, sticking to drinking mainly water....or adding flavor to it. I don't exercise much because I sit at a desk all day and to be honest am too tired by the time I get home to do a 1/2 hour walk. Need to seriously work on…