MrsBooker Member


  • I have almost the exact same numbers as you! My goal weight is 125, but I would GLADLY take 135 as well!
  • Congrats!! You look great. Thanks for the motivation. Food is not my problem, it's getting my butt to the gym on a consistent basis! Kudos to you
  • Hello Team X, Man, what a crazy time it has been! Hubby and I restarted phase 2 this week b/c we were SO behind, and I think it was a good move. Let me just say I was feeling all the DVDs until this week! I HATE the back and biceps DVD!! Corn cob pullups are the devil!! LOL. I'm sure I am just saying that b/c I hate all…
  • Hello Team X! I have not been on the boards much lately, so I don't have time to comment on everyone's posts. So I will just say Congrats to all who are still pushing play everyday! Thanks for the inspiration! Drew, Congrats on your win! Your dedication and hard work paid off!! Also, I wanted to tell you all that I totally…
  • Hi guys! Just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement. I know life is not perfect, so I will not continue to beat myself up about the past. I will just continue to go forward and keep pushing play! Like Tony said, I will "Do my best and forget the rest!" (thanks for the reminder Ro!) :happy: I have been thinking about…
  • Hello all, I just wanted to check in to say I SEVERELY blew my diet this weekend. :cry: I am still very bummed that I had zero self discipline on Saturday and Sunday. I did get Plyo in on Saturday, but nothing on Sunday. I am hoping this will not hurt my progress too much. I definitely gained some pounds on the scale. This…
  • Hello Everyone! Thanks again for all your updates; they are SO inspiring! Especially for me to see since it is my first time doing P90X, and I can see what is in store for me in the coming weeks. :) Wendy, your pics are amazing! I wish my abs and back would look like that after only 30 days! Wow. Sassy...thanks for sharing…
  • I forgot to add my 2 cents about almond milk. It is DELISH!! I highly recommend it. I use it for everything except things like scrambled eggs (whites of course) and casseroles. If you can get your hands on the unsweetened variety it is only 35-40 cals per cup (depends on which brand)! And for an extra treat the chocolate…
  • Hello everyone, I really enjoy reading all the posts on here. Very inspiring and motivational. Drew and Jay, thanks for posting your 30 day pics! Your results are amazing so far. Thanks for all your input about calories and diet. I have been trying to find a balance on this. I upped my cals from 1200 to 1500, and have been…
  • Hello fellow P90Xers! So week one was not so great for me. :( I missed a few days, and was not able to make them all up, so I have not yet tried KenpoX , and I was SO looking forward to that! I am praying that I will be able to be more consistent this week. I did have a little hubby convinced me to try…
  • Hello fellow P90Xers! I am about to do Day 3 today (Shoulders and Arms). I must say I LOVED plyo! I "brought it" a little too much and was over my HR target range for 1/2 the workout, so I will have to cool it down some next go round. I love reading all the posts and getting a feel for what I have coming next! I will…
  • Thanks for the welcome and support everyone! I did decide to up my cals from 1200 to 1500. I think I have been starving my poor muscles for awhile now, which is part of the reason I have not been seeing anymore progress. I will be starting P90X today (yay!). I will definitely keep you all posted on how it goes. Looking…
  • Hello all! I am glad to see so much support for P90X. I am starting with my hubby on Monday, 9/26. SO excited! I am curious about diet though since I have been reading all the nutritional info that came with it that states you should not be in a calorie deficit with this plan. Have you all upped your cals with MFP since…
  • This is so true. Thanks for sharing.
  • Good luck to you! Kudos for getting back on the grind. I have been off and on trying to stay in shape but I have been much more consistent since finding MFP. I am sending you a friend request... :smile:
  • Hello Angela! I've been on here for about a month or so myself. I am looking to lose about 20 lbs as well. I started off slow but realized I did not want to give up AGAIN, so now I have been consistent for about 3 weeks and have lost 4 lbs already! It is very rewarding to see the scale go down each time I get on it. Good…