xnancyelizabeth Member


  • Where did the story come from? The study was carried out by researchers from the University of Negev, Israel, and was funded by the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Dairy Council. The study was published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. - I've read up about it a little more since posting this…
  • I had the same problem was doing really well, got distracted from healthy eating and exercise especially when I started college, I logged in for the first time in months 4 days ago and I'm extremely determined to lose weight for my holiday at Greece next year (I'd love to wear a bikini) but also so I'm ready for a 12 mile…
  • I only just started C25k today! I've never felt so great, it's been a very long time since I've ran and I'm really going to enjoy doing it through the app each day :-) I have added you, I hope you don't mind :-)
  • Thank you, yes I most certainly won't be buying any cleansing products I was more referring to a natural cleanse, organic, fibre, etc etc. thanks :-) and the build up on each run sounds good too and do-able!
  • SunofaBeach forgot to mention you were also one of the more useful comments lol. Sorry. :)
  • Thank you to those who comment useful and helpful comments (workout ninja / geebusuk and the person who posted about the running app).. And to those who just trollf forums, post unsupportive and negative comments...what are you even doing on here.... Thought this site was for support, motivation and friendly advice. People…
  • I should add that I'm not asking about losing weight in a month, I mean more on a health, diet and fitness level to help me get through the 12 miles a little easier! Thank you!
  • I walk my dog the same twice a day and then I do a 60+ minute bike ride each day sometimes twice a day.. Helping me majorly losing weight lately.. Few mores pounds and then I hope to start running :-) good luck and keep positive :-)
  • I think I'm going to stick with the shakes rather than the meals and bars they set for you after reading for the comments. Lol calling me lazy - this is my 3rd post and I basically joined this week - what a welcoming :D totally what I expected on a "fitness" website.. thanks all.
  • Thanks for those with positive comments. I wouldn't think of it as permanent. My friend used slim fast and it helped her loose 3 dress sizes .. 2 shakes a day, snacks veggies n fruit and a meal at the end of the day using a calorie counter. . I would like to use to it drop a dress size or 2 and then continue healthy eating…
  • Or how about £1.00 (or 5 for £4.00) for a low cal/fat microwavable meal.. when a bag of fruit/veggies is more expensive most of the time where I live. I'd like to stick to fresh veggies & fruits but this is exactly what happened with my old diet (determined not to make the same mistake this time though!) ...doesn't make…
  • I'm not saying I don't buy/eat it.. I just find it annoying its £1.50 for 8 oranges and 80p (UK Currency) for a pack of 30 chocolate biscuits! lol.. and this is at one of the cheapest supermarkets in the area! I know that was probably a poor comparison but there is so many examples.. I think I'm going to order online from…