

  • Not from relationships, but I've been jealous of friends who lost weight. Especially some guy friends. 'Curvy' is not the terminology I would use. Curvy makes a girl feel like you're telling her that there are more rolls on her than in a tube of polos. Just be nice, and if she wants to go to the gym, offer to go with her.…
  • I don't care that I'm healed. My knee hurts. OR I'm on period. Oh look, It's dark out, creepy people with knives might be running around the fields at 6.00am. I want to marry my bed. My dog looks too comfortable to wake him for a walk. Stop talking Mum! It's not your decision. Oh, look, I have too much homework. Sorry, I…
  • Thank you all so much :)
  • Also offended. Moved from my home town, and because I didn't have a car, I lost tons of weight. But then a lot of bad things happened, and I turned to food. When I gained alot of weight, I began starving myself. I had such a negative body image of myself, but I would never even think about insulting other people, even…