fiona101a Member


  • Sounds like you've got shinsplints - very painful - I got them when I started running from wearing old runners - they looked fine but I soon found out they weren't! #1 - to fix the shinsplints - a super tip that works that I picked up from an oldtimer in Tallaght Athletics Club - soak bandages in vinegar and wrap them…
  • TOTALLY AGREE! Unless you're trying to beat Bolt, you should be able to run and carry out a conversation - if you're about to pass out, then you're running too fast - SLOW DOWN - that was the biggest lesson I learned when I joined a running club to prepare for the Dublin Women's Mini Marathon (10K) a few years ago, and it…
  • Hi, The biggest key to running is slowing down, slowing down more, and slower again! The biggest thing that stumps people when they first start running is they go too fast and burn themselves out very quickly. A walk, a min running, a walk, another min running until you are going longer at your runs and shorter at the…