kallen02 Member


  • Original starting weight - 279 Current weight - 263 January goal - 250 Ultimate goal - 180 This is my first challenge. Anyone wanting to friend me feel free.
  • Hi my name is Kellie I saw your post on wanting more people who you can buddy up with who are in a similar situation. I have two kids. I run a daycare from home so I kinda feel you. I just had a baby in June and I am in the same boat. I used this site before I got pregnant and lost 70 pounds. I however have gained most of…
  • You have to make sure your being realistic as well. While the goal is to live a better lifestyle and eat things that are good for our bodies. Its not realistic for some people to eat all good all the time. The only way I have done it is by having a cheat day. That way you dont feel like your depriving yourself of all the…
  • Hey im kinda in the same boat.. Kinda. I had a baby in June after a really hard pregnancy and I pretty much have to start all over. I totally hear you. I would love to help be your motivation and you mine. if you want send me a friends request and we can do this. Kellie
  • I think your weight loss goal is very realistic. Good job on joining this. MFP has helped me keep going because I like you have had a hard time in the past. Chris Powell a personal trainer said that it is actually a good thing to take a break every once in a while so your body has confusion. As far as the eating out that…
  • I have found it better to eat the most calories in the morning so you can burn them throughout the day and give your metabolism the boost in the morning that it needs. I used to eat most of mine at night but I have found that eating more for breakfast and less at night is more beneficial to my body. I eat 5 times a day.…
  • I have had this issue in the past as well. I talked to my trainer about it and she said the reason is because your body is either in starvation mode( Not getting enough calories) or your body has become used to what you are doing. I have to change my workout routine once a month to get the muscle confusion and every time I…
  • I also us my Wii fit scale and it works good for me. Part of the point of that scale is your supposed to weigh in everyday so you can see what your body is doing. I have to calibrate mine as well to make sure it is acurate. I know on morinings I weigh in and im up in weight it almost always has been because I had to much…
    in Scales Comment by kallen02 June 2011
  • I find that when I eat a really good breakfast with protein then I dont crave as much at night. Not sure why im guessing its because my body is getting what it needs so I dont have as bad of cravings at night. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day and after dinner you should be satisfied enough to not feel like you…
  • Wow thats an inspiration for sure. Good job it gives me more motivation to keep going.
  • Your body could just be at a point where it is comfortable around the 150 range. Everyones body has a weight that its healtily comfortable at. Your body could be telling you that as well. I also agree with the other comments. Remember its about calories in and calories out if you dont eat enough your body will hold onto…
  • Water is a big key in losing weight. We all should be drinking half of our body weight a day in oz of water. I was like that when I first started and actually before never drank water only soda and juice but now I can honestly say I can drink it. Their are some days still that I just cant drink that much but I see what it…
  • You just want to be carful that you are not putting your body into starvation mode. If you eat to little calories your metabolasm will slow down and make it harder to maintain or make you gain. You look amazing though. I totally understand though I have my calorie goal then I work out and it adds 700 calories to what I…
  • I was also weighing in once a week but and yes it does fluxuate but I read in a study and talked to friends and family about this and they found weighing everyday at the exact same time can be helpful to you. If you are up in weight one day it most likely could be that your body is retaining water from the meal you ate the…
  • Thats awesome welcome to the site. I love this site. Its encouraging and motivating to have other people you can talk to and know that your not the only one struggling with what you are. Keeping a food Journal and drinking water is a BIG key to weight loss. I would love a friend invite so we can motivate each other.
  • I to run a daycare and some of the ideas I have that are easy are. Each week I cook a bunch of chicken and use it for quesadillas with salsa and lowfat motzerella cheese. another idea is to take a whole wheat tortilla put it in the oven on 400 for 2 minutes on each side. Put 2 tbsp low sodium,low carbs bbq sauce and add…