incendiumx Member


  • Yes. The KEY thing you need to make sure to do, is to hit your protein macros. Your body 100% needs protein to maintain your muscle mass. The rest, listen to your body. Fat before carbs. Watch your micronutrient intake too.
  • Today, no breakfast as I was in no way hungry. Cup of coffee and my first 16oz of water. Lunch packed. 4 hard boiled eggs, an avocado, and 3oz of cheese. Pickles and celery for snacks :)
  • Keep it up friends!!!
  • My lunch!
  • Breakfast time!
  • Hey! Another Keto guy! First off: The keto strips only work during the early phases/if youre not burning the ketones for some reason. If things are going the way theyre supposed to be, your body should be consuming most of those ketones for energy, not excreting them in your urine :) And 50g of Carbs? Thats really high for…
  • You and me both brother. I've started adding in a tbsp of coconut oil or a serving of peanut butter at the end of the eating window if I'm low. 2 or 3 days in a row MFP was yelling at me because I only ate like 1100 calories. I wouldn't worry TOO much provided to get enough protein.
  • And I don't know how you guys do vegan/veggie stuff. Not a condemnation or judgement... I just found when I ate that way I was ALWAYS hungry. I eat cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, eggs, bacon, fatty steaks, avocados, spinach, coconut oil, etc etc. i hardly eat veggies at all. :-P
  • IF is great. I do IF paired with Keto. I only eat between 12-7 so not quite as strict as yours, but it works for me :) Glad to have another faster in the group.
  • Drop some fat. gain a lot of muscle. Im excited to make this change. My soon-to-be-ex-wife was a major discouraging factor on my fitness journey before, so now that shes gone... time to hit it hard.
  • Killing Floor 2, BF1, and warframe on PS4. Paladins, Leage of Legends on PC Focusing more on working out now though :)
    in Games Comment by incendiumx March 2017
  • Ooooh Believe me, i drink a ton of water. I live in Colorado, 6000ft above sea level, in an ultra dry environment. I drank a ton of water BEFORE i started doing Keto. But thank you for the offer and suggestion :)
  • Absolute truth. All of a sudden i look at a "small" bag of chips and say "There are HOW MANY 300 CALORIE SERVINGS IN THIS BAG!?!?!?!?!"
  • Welcome back to the battle. You can do it :)
  • I confess i have not done many, but i am loving (and simultaneously hating) P90X :)