

  • Thanks for all of the advice and info everyone! I do feel as if I have a balance issue, so using a chair might help with that. I will take all of your advice to heart, and keep you posted on if/when my glutes actually start burning! LOL Thanks again!
  • CheveuxNoirs, I will definitely try the chair squat you mentioned, but I have no idea what the other two things are that you mentioned. Thanks!
  • Thank you all for your input! I just tried most of your advice. I am doing Chris Powell's Boot Camp, and I appear to be doing it correct from what he teaches, which is feet shoulder length apart, pointed out slightly, hands in front of you for balance. I tried wiggling my toes, which seemed to help some. I think I did the…
  • Thank you for your response! I know I am probably overreacting, but it was a big shock to see the same weight on the scales that was on there when I started. Water retention is probably the answer. I just didn't think it was possible to gain that much without eating incorrectly, drinking, or having a period. (I don't drink…
  • Thank you all for your responses. First I would like to apologize if this is in the wrong area. I saw "Gaining Weight" and thought it was the area I needed to post in. Second, I should have given more information. I quit smoking April 23rd, and, instead of gaining weight, I lost weight without trying. I decided a few weeks…