

  • not to bore anyone but please give all details of what you eat, how much exercise you do and im sure you will get plenty of advice x
  • to be honest if you do alittle each day your flexibility will come x i do kickboxing and we are stretched to our pain barrier we hold a stretch at the point that it begans to hurt and hold it for a little longer, then we repeat again, the third time we try a few cms more but we never force it. Then repeat. it does depend…
  • hi hunni x you should never stretch any muscles until you are warmed up .. 5 mins of anything walking slow jog treamill bike will be fine and then do smaller stretches before main exercise and then after make sure you do longer stretches to avoid injuries xx Tina if you dont stretch out you will hurt the next day x
  • i wouldnt worry even school teachers have to be corrected !! lol