

  • Okay, also by the looks of the people who post here, I just want to add, you all look fantastic!! Keep doing whatever it is you are doing 'cuz you all look great.
  • Well, I guess I am learning that I am not alone here. It helps to know that. Thank you all for sharing. :smile:
  • Thanks, it is difficult when you have kids and a husband who thinks the kids should have these snacks, but I cannot blame him entirely. I bought that licorice at the store, mindlessly. I think I was hungry and it was immediate satisfaction. I opened it up in the car, threw some in my purse, then of course, ate the rest of…
  • Has anyone here experienced this? This is my downfall. I hate licorice, it is SO not worth the calories. I found myself eating one right after the other. Ok, so they taste good, but I feel like CRAP after eating them. Why do I do this to myself? Licorice has SOO many calories too. NOT WORTH IT!!:sad:
  • Hang in there, I know how hard it is when a spouse isn't exactly in your corner. I think maybe he is afraid of you finding success.
  • Thank you all for your responses. I will try to adjust my attitude :huh: I must say, I have been logging my diet and exercise for the past three days and boy do I need help!! I can really see why I am fat. Sunday was REALLY bad. Did you know that when you eat hot ham, the kaiser roll it is on, is more fattening than the…
  • Hello, I am starting this but perhaps have a bad crabby attitude about it. Why? because I know everything there is to know about losing weight but I just have trouble applying it. I don't mean to have a bad attitude, it is just hard to get motivated after trying to lose weight for 16 years. Hence my name, Motivated. I…
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