Is Benedict Cumberbatch mainstream? If not, he's definitely my choice.
9/10 I love the triangle shape your torso makes. (Would be 10/10 if I could see your face in it)
Beautiful! I really like the dress in your profile picture!
Hug <3
What in the...?
Anywhere as long as I'm talking to the people I love. Favorite book?
True I've never been outside the United States.
Genevieve Padalecki
Edit: Jennifer Lawrence
I saw yours on your profile so it's spoiled, but before I saw it I would have guessed Chelsea.
Would. Not sure how you'd feel about an f/f relationship though.
Torn between 5 and 8. I love your smile in 5, but your eyes are stunning in 8.
5'11" female, wrist circumference 6.125" Apparently a small frame, ideal weight from 135-148 lbs. My goal is 135 (although I'd be happy with 140). So it's reasonable, I suppose.
Go to a nice museum I love museums.
Your current. I love that lipstick!
I'd go for a hug. Just to be safe.
Welcome to Night Vale (a bimonthly [as in twice a month, not every other month] podcast, amazing!)
Your smile. I hate my smile (crooked front tooth) Although your eyes are very nice too.
Not sure which one is you, but I'd say both are 7.5-8
#2 You have a beautiful smile!
Body-wise? 4 (not trying to sound mean, sorry!)
Actually, that's not my hair, just a really good wig! (Arda Wigs, Benny in Natural Black) I just love to wear wigs around when I'm feeling too lazy to do something nice with my hair. Thank you for the link! I'm browsing over it now. I hope that I can keep the motivation I have now throughout the rest of the course of my…
Trust me, I've gotten good at hiding my thighs. They look okay up to about 8 inches before the crotch and then *boom*, they're huge.
Very cute! Yes~
Sure, why not?