

  • Alcohol is just sugar when its processed. Its really just empty calories. I don't drink at all and when I do go to the bar I've asked for water. I also usually volunteer for driving as well. Its a personal choice for everyone but drinking in general when you're trying to loose weight will ultimately cause you to cease the…
  • Dear PCOS, After this surgery and after I loose the fat that you so greedily store, you will be getting an eviction notice with your tantrums. I will get my period back, the hair will go away, and my hormones will stable out. Because I am making you, vulgar and mean PCOS my beyotch. You will succumb to my will and you will…
  • Be very careful with such harsh guidelines. I say this because I'm the same way and it can end badly. Good for you for such goals. I would be careful about the protein goal. Protein in general is hard to take in and the body can only take in 40g a meal. Have you talked with your doctor? I've found ISO pure whey proteins to…
  • Sadly when you are obese, or morbidly obese (heh don't hate I'm right there too) that it takes a lot to notice because even at 50 lbs less you're still a 'big' person. To hell with everyone else, if you are doing this for you and you can feel the difference than that's all that matters. I went from 360+ to 266 lbs in 2006…
  • I did great in the work out department. Did two hours of heavy duty cleaning that burned 900 calories and P90x Ab Ribber which killed me! On the food side of things I've been slipping up and while I had two shakes today. I also had cheese and crackers, two ice cream cones (my weekness) and pot stickers. Not healthy I know.…
  • Whoop Whoop MMFWCL Good luck! I'm right there with you!