

  • I am working out to P90X and Insanity hybrid. Three days a week I am training for a half marathon coming up in July. Nicely done Alex on your weight loss. You are rocking it!! :smile:
  • I completed P90X and ended up losing 8 inches on my waist and almost 40 pounds. It was an awesome journey. In April I am starting Insanity or T25. I purchased both programs and have done a few workouts of both. I am undecided which program I will begin first. Great job Alex on your weight loss. You did fantastic and should…
  • This Sunday will be my last day of P90X. I am happy with my results so far. My month 2 check in I lost 6 inches on my waist and 22 pounds. I am getting excited about taking measurements in a few days. I am resting next week for and I am undecided on what program I will start next. I will check in again in a week and let…
  • Just checking in to say that P90X is working awesome for me. 4 more pounds lost since last weigh in. I have much more energy in the mornings. At the end of the day I have more energy too. I feel more relaxed. Keep up the great job peeps. :smile:
  • Hello everyone. :smile: I am starting month 2 of P90X and I really see a huge difference in my waist and I have much more energy then I did 27 days ago. I feel better and I am getting stronger. I am able to do a 7 to 10 normal push ups which is a huge huge improvement from day 1 when I can do 0. I am looking forward to see…
  • Tony Horton 10 minute trainers and P90X favorite exercises. I ordered P90X3 a few days ago. I am looking forward to starting that program too. 9 pounds lost last month for me. Thank you Ryan for sharing the modified push up videos. I am getting stronger already and they are getting easier. :smile:
  • This week I have been exercising to Tony Horton 10 minute trainers. I am thinking about doing the full P90X program. If I struggle with push ups can I still do P90X? I have only done Kenpo X and Core Synergistics so far with P90X. I also started the Yoga X but never did the whole workout due to how long it takes.
  • WAY TO GO Alex. That is awesome!!!!!! What an accomplishment. :smile:
  • P90X and T25 have been my main workouts this past week. 3 more pounds lost since my last weigh in. 2 inches lost off my waist in November. I feel great.
  • I am excited to have found this group. I am on week 3 of Insanity. I have just started seeing results of pounds lost on the scale. I am down 5 pounds now but at least 2 inches. The workouts are getting easier and I feel like I am getting stronger.
  • Thanks for you reply. I was at second stage or at the early disseminated stage when diagnosed. I have been having joint problems consisting of pain, swelling and redness in my knee joints. I have noticed that swimming has been kind of easing and relaxing. I will take it slow and stay focused.
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