

  • You can't go wrong eating healthy like that.....and healthy calories make a whole lot more difference than the same amount of calories eating processed junk. I always loose more when I eat only veggies, fruit, and lean meats.
  • Totally will help~I have joint issue when I do any other exercise than walking or bicycling. The great part of the bicycle is you can do a really hard workout - or not! It will tone your legs for sure....that can be seen in just 2 weeks usually if you do it every day. (longer if you don't bike regularly.) I have a more…
  • I believe you are correct. That's how I understand it to be.
  • Well somewhere on here, in the tools section I think, it tells you how many calories you would burn if you were only resting all day. I wouldn't log that activity just so that you wouldn't eat more. You know when you log activity, they give you more calories. By doing that, you should have a tad bit more weight loss.