

  • Just wanted to say Congrats on your progress so far. That's really great!! I'm 36 and I need to lose about 35-40 lbs. I've found it's really a one day at a time kind of thing. If you fall off, brush yourself off and start again. Everyday is a new chance to make good fitness decisions. The best of luck to you!!!
  • Good morning Ladies. Hope everyone has a great day! Starting my day with a bowl of Cheerios and almond milk...of course coffee. Lol. If anyone hasn't tried Blue Diamond Almond milk, give it a shot. It's pretty good and half the calories of regular milk. I use it in my cereal though, can't really chug a glass of it. Try the…
  • Good luck to you! I joined yesterday. Trying to lose 36 lbs.
  • Hello All. I'm Natasha. Signing up to lose the weight I gained last year. This was my second time losing a decent amount of weight only to gain it back after 2 years. I was slightly disappointed in myself, but I recognize what put me back here. Hopefully I can get back on track. I wish everyone here a Happy New Year and…