JudyBrackney Member


  • Yes! IF you don't your body thinks your starving it and it will hold onto every bite you take and add it too your body. So eat all your suppose to have for the day and most of all EXERCISE AT LEAST 1 HOUR A DAY. This helps your body to start the burning of fat on you. Good luck, judy
  • Hi there Jon, In Weight Watchers they always said that if you don't eat your quota your body will go into a starvation mode and everything you put into your mouth will go to fat. So eat all your food and exercise. Exercise is very important and will help you to loose quicker. Don't starve yourself, eat what they say you…
  • Hi, I am new here. I think that is wonderful that you lost that much. You need to pat yourself on the back for it. It isn't easy to loose weight. Some people brag and it come right back on them, so SMILE, BE HAPPY, SAY WTG! ME! I think too that we all have a poor image of ourselves and it doesn't go away. Take a look at…
  • No Kim, I haven't asked my doctor, but I know he would approve of this for me. I am over weight and just need to get off my butt and move and this is what is doing it. I am a diabetic and exercise is a must. I never liked to exercise, but my two daughters want me to live to be very old woman and not die. I do too, so I am…
  • Thank you! Judy Brackney
  • :flowerforyou: WOW! Michelle, that is great you lost that much. My first three days of exercising and eating right. I hope I can do good like you did. I just want to feel good and look good in my clothes and get out of sizes 2x and 3x clothes. So WTG michelle! Judy Brackney :smile: