

  • That's a really good idea, it's often an area where i fall down where my diet is concerned!! I live in the UK and think your fav foods must be in the states? KFC is one of my fav's too so i must find low cal options too! Good tip :smile:
  • :happy: Well done hun, keep up the good work!!
  • Thanks guys for all your supportive comments and tips, they are very motivating :smile: Fair play watch48win, 25lbs in a few months!!! :noway: thats fantastic!!!!! I'm going to stick with it so that my lovely boyfriend can buy me that car!!! :wink:
  • Thank you, 14 pounds in a stone and not sure what car yet as soon as i get to about 10lbs i'm going to start lookin!! Cant wait :smile:
  • Hey Everyone, I’m 25, 13 stone and need to loose weight and tone up as everything’s getting bigger and heading south!! I've tried every diet there is, you name it I’ve done it. As I’m addicted to my laptop I thought this site mite help me keep track of everything. As a incentive to help me loose weight my boyfriend has…
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