juggie49 Member


  • Again, we have to be careful how we use the term "binge". Eating an entire pan of brownies over the course of a day might be an unwise choice but It doesn't qualify the individual as a clinical "binge eater" unless they do it REGULARLY and it's become something that prevents them from enjoying a productive, satisfying…
  • Hang in there. The snarky people are usually the ones who need the most help. Being mean makes them feel better. I NEVER got from your post that you're a binger in the clinical sense. Folks need to go have a piece of chocolate and calm the **** down.
  • I know what you mean but think of it this way. The folks that are ready with a snarky comment are usually the ones that need the most help. They like to point out what they believe are everyone else's faults and that makes them feel better. They should try giving encouragement to others rather than tearing them down. Sad.…
  • Kudos to you for realizing that you don't have to avoid eating the foods you like forever. Meh The very thought of never having a slice of cheesecake or bread or a big fattening latte is just depressing. And for those who suggest that we should eat and love only healthy foods and therefore never have to have a "cheat day":…
  • Bwa ha ha ha ha!
  • I don't disagree that some individuals benefit from cutting out bread. But I do get tired of the carb police. Have the bread in moderation. No diet is sustainable long term if you cut out everything you enjoy.
  • Hello! Just joined today. I work full time and struggle with fitness, work, time for family, caring for the home. Oh yeah! And I have guilty mom syndrome. Aargh! I'm really a reluctant working mom and would much rather be a SAHM. Anyone out there feel like they couldn't possibly be pulled in more directions at once? :-)