coburngirl2 Member


  • So absolutely sorry to hear this. It is hard for people to understand the struggle is real. If you need some additional support and american cancer society have support groups almost everywhere. There is a facebook page called thyroid cancer awareness that is ran by an oncologist who also has had thyroid cancer.…
  • Thanks. Doctors say to move my body, just move it carefully and slowly :)
  • puns are OK lol. Yes it is full!
  • Welcome to the group Julie. Sorry I"m so late in this, I've been very intermittent with my MFP account. Chalk it up to work and going to school on top of all the other duties we all do in a day lol. I also get dizzy from the levothyroxine. I'm now on name brand and it's still not any better. Don't let your doctor ignore…
  • they blame the heart because of a foul up after surgery. The radiologist put an catheter in my jugular vein and was supposed to wait for the chest x-ray before administering the calcium IV. Instead my heart took the full IV bag and put me in stage I congestive heart failure. Thanks dr
  • And now my cancer is back as well. There is a 1.5 cm tumor growing in my fricken scar tissue. Oh the joy. Surgery consult 1/26/16. Whole body scan was clear but ultrasound pulled up the nodule and blood work is out of control. My thyroglobulin has always been 0 since surgery, and is now 22. Also asked doctor about why I…
  • Hypothyroid doesn't necessarily mean autoimmune disorder. I'm hypothyroid due to thyroidectomy for cancer. An Endo that I speak with regularly who also had thyroid cancer, said the best "diet" is a lower carb diet. I feel less sluggish and more motivated when I avoid processed, starchy or sugary foods...I have a group on…
  • I'm on round 2 and loving it! I'm trying to lose the weight I gained AFTER I had my thyroidectomy for cancer and THEN I get to work on losing the weight I was trying to lose before that. So far the eating/exercise plan is what's working for me. Good luck!
  • HI Steph! Sorry you had to join the group :( Thyroid cancer really puts a kink in the chain of life and the things we want to get done. I'm 2.5 years out from surgery. Start out slow, one foot at a time. I maintained my post-surgery weight (which was on the wrong side of 200 that I wanted to be on) and then somehow last…
  • Hi Kristin! I seem to have taken a leave of absence from MFP, but am working at getting back to it! Welcome to the group!!!
  • How is everything going? You've been on my mind :(
  • I stick with the modifier and she STILL works me in to a sweat! down 4 lbs so I'm not complaining :)
  • I know, it is hard. I've started over SO MANY times and am starting over yet again. She has a 1 mile walk on there on befit tv and its a wonderful way to start. If you can only do 1 or 2 mins at a time that's ok. The best way to start is to just put 1 foot in front of the other. Her workouts are really good low impact,…
  • HI Christy! I'm over 260 and just started the 21-day fix. So far I love it. I use the modifications for the workouts. I also enjoy the walking workout videos by Leslie Sansone and there are lots to choose from for free on YouTube. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you. Just getting up and moving is the most…
  • I'm on day 3, so far so good :)
  • Thyroid Cancer Awareness on FB is run by an oncologist who also had thyroid cancer. She doesnt post a lot, but does answer private messages. Also has a log of info as well.
  • because you had cancer they won't check all the hormones. it isnt about getting us back to normal, it's about suppressing the cancer.
  • Did you have your thyroid removed due to cancer? Dessicated hormones aka Armour are not recommended for those who have had thyroid cancer and that is why we all get stuck on Synthroid. We need suppression in order to keep the thyroid cancer from coming back. My doctor does not check ALL thyroid hormones either because ALL…
  • Great job! My scale has gone in the way wrong direction. Time to start kicking my own butt as well!
    in Finally Comment by coburngirl2 July 2014
  • I'm with you, I feel so much better without it. I'm having a TON of fluid retention since the surgery, which has yet to be figured out. The oncologist who runs the Thyroid Cancer Awareness page on FaceBook is also a thyroid cancer survivor and she said a "lower carb-based higher protein diet works better for people who…
  • GOOD FOR YOU!! That's wonderful :happy:
  • Awesome I'm glad to hear that! If I can remember my old log in info, I will set you up as admin on this group. I'd like to be more active on here but between work and everything else, I don't get to do much with it. I'm sorry you have been sick. Ugh!
  • Oh no! Poor hubby!
  • Thanks, yes my numbers were 0, so that was good. I have a couple of lymph nodes that change in size, but nothing suspicious, so I'm just living with it! How have you been feeling these days? I've been so absent from here.
  • Its a picture of Montana I found online. We will be in WA state this summer. I can't wait!
  • I am RIGHT THERE with you ladies! Ugh, this blows! Thankfully there has only been a 4 lb weight difference, which seems to be more my water weight issue. I think it's time for me to head to the University of North Carolina and meet with some specialists. Ever since the IV drip of calcium was put in to my heart…
  • Ugh I've been absent FOREVER! I just had my shots last week for the 2nd time and will follow up with doc at some point. Yes all we go through with having this cancer seems to be never ending. i was doing great and then my motivation threw right out the window.
  • Thanks I will definitely ask. I don't think there's a whole lot of difference between low-carb and gluten free, but I could be wrong. Finding what worked then and what works now is so different isn't it, ugh! My 3 treating physicians all told me to not even try to lose weight because of the thyroidectomy. I have the…
  • I am most successful when I can "play" and not focus on a workout, and when my hubby is gone I lose more weight. When he was deployed I lost 30 lbs and it was from eating what I WANTED to eat and when I wanted to eat, still had junk food, but I had some other wives and we walked every day outside and tried different things…
  • Hopefully this link will open. Anyway, I'm definitely looking at going gluten free this next pay check since groceries are already purchased for the next 2 weeks BUT in doing some research about the…