sanbros Member


  • For me it's not so much who is wrong and who is right. Whatever the answer is, there are som extremely funny mental pictures coming alive in this thread :)
  • Ok, this is scary! but I guess someone (me) needs a bit of scary sometimes. I'm in
  • In my head it can't be maintenance if you're used to doing nothing :) Runnings 3 times a week is 3 times more than I used to. When my form gets better, I'll run more. For now, I'm adding some weights on the days I don't run
  • Thanks for sharing your story :) Im not at all, using Pcos as an excuse, but I would love to see some results from my changes in lifestyle. :) I will be at my goal at some point. Maybe not as fast as some other people, but i will get there. And anyway, exercising and eating healthy is about many other things than weight!
  • I too have Pcos, and have an extremely hard time losing weight. 8 weeks of exercise and healthy eating, and 3 lbs lost. Do any of you have any weigthloss results when taking Methformin? My doctor recommended this and I have just started taking them.
  • thank you!! This thread really cracked me up! Now I'm ready to go on night shift...and make sure the patients dont't have White stuff in their urine!
  • I just bought and did the first day of the 8 week program. I am very much looking forward to doing this, only, I am also trying to learn to be a runner, and I run 3 times a week. I hope theres time/energy fot that still
  • Hey Amanda and everyone else:) Amanda, I totally get you, and I would love to be your weightloss friend! I haven't read all the replys, and I have just startet this account, so I have no idea how things work here, but have you, or can we, start a group or something? :) My name is Sanne, and I need to get rid of 80 pounds