

  • I guess that depends on what you're definition of "fill up" is. I can eat 3 eggs, 1/4 cup of shredded cheese on top, and 3 slices of bacon (and of course coffee too) at 6:45 am and not start to feel hungry for a snack (not a full blown meal) until maybe 2 pm. At that point I may have 1 or 2 pieces of string cheese and I'm…
  • This depends on what your goal is. If it is strictly to lose weight, then you are correct, and it is much easier to obtain a calorie deficit on a ketogenic/VLCD than not, as ketones suppress ghrelin.
  • I've been on a ketogenic diet for a year, under supervision from my doctor, and I've been perfectly fine. Sure, my LDL and TC went up slightly, but my HDL is past normal into GREAT (if such a scale existed), and my trigs are less than half of what they were before. Plus, as we all know, LDL is not usually measured, but…
  • ^THIS My mind is blown away by how many people confuse ketosis and ketoacidosis. What that tells me though is that people aren't doing research and are just regurgitating hearsay.