Ketogenic Diet



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Eating clean has done the same to me. less additives in the body maybe from eating healthier. Also- on keto, I would assume that it's because you absorb nutrients better, so your body soaks up the alcohol like it's nobody's business hahaha. Who knowsss.

  • littleknownblogger
    littleknownblogger Posts: 67 Member
    People who think ketosis is dangerous are confusing it with ketoACIDosis. The first is the way your body is actually meant to be fueled; the second is a systemic breakdown associated with insulin disorder.
  • Fad diet, the benefits are that when you don't consume carbs it becomes very hard to eat a large amount of calories.
    You'll see no extra benefit from normal calorie counting unless you have a medical condition.
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    You may find that reducing carbs feels right for you at first. But the body definitely needs carbs because we are designed to eat them. If you are depriving your body, then you are running on an imbalance. Ketogenic diets force the body to react in a different way, technically you are making yourself ill to lose weight. In the longer term your health will deteriorate due to the excessive fat and protein intake. This is a well known fact. It does not cure but promotes damage to the cardiovascular system. Look it up if in doubt and do not take my word for it because I am not qualified to give advice.

    I have been on this kind of diet, and also the ill conceived paleo diet - but in the end it is a mix of complex carbs, starches and veggies and lean proteins coupled with exercise which stimulates fat burning whilst restoring bodily power and making you feel well.

    I have seen too many fat people suddenly become thinner but yellow in the face - a sure sign of Ketogenics at work.

    So eat regularly, make really good choices no gravies, oils, processed junk, no sweeteners, sugar water (fruit juice) plenty of water, limit meats and dairy, take exercise and you cannot fail not only trim but more importantly healthily trim. That is what I have found out through trial, error and lots of research - hope it helps
  • People who think ketosis is dangerous are confusing it with ketoACIDosis. The first is the way your body is actually meant to be fueled; the second is a systemic breakdown associated with insulin disorder.


    My mind is blown away by how many people confuse ketosis and ketoacidosis. What that tells me though is that people aren't doing research and are just regurgitating hearsay.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Worrying about how much fat is burned for energy is a mute point....calorie deficit is what counts.
  • I've been on a ketogenic diet for a year, under supervision from my doctor, and I've been perfectly fine. Sure, my LDL and TC went up slightly, but my HDL is past normal into GREAT (if such a scale existed), and my trigs are less than half of what they were before. Plus, as we all know, LDL is not usually measured, but calculated, but that since there are two types of LDL - one being the actual bad LDL, and the other being the LDL that increases during VLCD being good - they get calculated together.

    Also, we know that LDL and TC are poor indicators of heart disease and that your trig to HDL ratio is a much better indicator. In fact, here's an article from UCLA:

    Basically it says that 75% of the heart attack patients they saw were not at risk by current guidelines.

    Also, those who say that your body NEEDS carbs should read this:

    "More interesting, however, is the fact that ketones can provide as much as 70% of the brain's energy needs, more efficiently than glucose."

    I think the biggest thing people need to learn is that your entire body will run perfectly fine on ketones. The brain also doesn't need carbs - it needs glucose. There is a distinction there. Again, going back to the 70% ketone utilization of the brain, the other 30% needs to be glucose, but if you restrict your carb intake to 0, then your body will produce the glucose it needs via gluconeogenesis.

    "Gluconeogenesis (abbreviated GNG) is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, glucogenic amino acids, and odd-chain fatty acids. It is one of the two main mechanisms humans and many other animals use to keep blood glucose levels from dropping too low (hypoglycemia). The other means of maintaining blood glucose levels is through the degradation of glycogen (glycogenolysis)."

    Keto is also not just about losing weight. There are neuroprotective benefits associated with following low carb as well.

    In the end, there will always be those who close their mind to reason and scientific advancement and understanding. But before anyone spreads hearsay, please do some research first. Even if you disagree with the results and want to choose a different option for yourself, misleading others by being misinformed isn't helpful.

    And please learn the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis.
  • Worrying about how much fat is burned for energy is a mute point....calorie deficit is what counts.

    This depends on what your goal is. If it is strictly to lose weight, then you are correct, and it is much easier to obtain a calorie deficit on a ketogenic/VLCD than not, as ketones suppress ghrelin.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Worrying about how much fat is burned for energy is a mute point....calorie deficit is what counts.

    This depends on what your goal is. If it is strictly to lose weight, then you are correct, and it is much easier to obtain a calorie deficit on a ketogenic/VLCD than not, as ketones suppress ghrelin.
    If your saying being in ketosis preserves lean mass more efficiently when in a deficit, I would need to see a consensus in the studies, actually from my research it appears more difficult. Also I consume a lower carb diet and not a ketogenic one and it very efficiently has reduced my appetite.......if it works for you I don't see a problem, otherwise I find it overly restrictive and in that regard probably not the best course of action for the general population trying to lose weight.
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    Keto is awesome, it personally works well for me. Soft hunger pangs when I have them (not the headachey, dizzying, stabbing pain when eating carbs), can go 6-8 hrs no problem, no need for a huge bag of food to transport for lunch... a tiny container for lunch/dinner and I'm set for 16+ hours. Delicious diet, too, I love my meat.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Worrying about how much fat is burned for energy is a mute point....calorie deficit is what counts.

    This depends on what your goal is. If it is strictly to lose weight, then you are correct, and it is much easier to obtain a calorie deficit on a ketogenic/VLCD than not, as ketones suppress ghrelin.

    Unless of course, P&F doesn't fill you up.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I'm on my 4th week and I love it, I function really well in and out of the gym, I haven't lost any strength I still can hit my personal best at the gym with no problem, and I get to refeed for 24-32 hours on the weekends. It really depends on the individual. Good Luck
  • Worrying about how much fat is burned for energy is a mute point....calorie deficit is what counts.

    This depends on what your goal is. If it is strictly to lose weight, then you are correct, and it is much easier to obtain a calorie deficit on a ketogenic/VLCD than not, as ketones suppress ghrelin.

    Unless of course, P&F doesn't fill you up.

    I guess that depends on what you're definition of "fill up" is. I can eat 3 eggs, 1/4 cup of shredded cheese on top, and 3 slices of bacon (and of course coffee too) at 6:45 am and not start to feel hungry for a snack (not a full blown meal) until maybe 2 pm. At that point I may have 1 or 2 pieces of string cheese and I'm set til dinner at 5 or 6.

    After my breakfast am I "filled up"? Not in my opinion. I could eat more, but I'm not hungry. THAT *in my opinion* is more important.