RunHappyMe Member


  • I want to do 1500 miles this year. I did about 1000 this last year. Before that I have been between 700 miles to 800 miles. A modest increase this year, and hope to see if I can pick it up a bit. Even more than 1000 will make me happy.
  • I am 43. I run marathons, and have 3 kids. I work a crazy job, nights and days flipped and flopped. I was pretty happy feeling still fit 38-40, but the last couple of years it seems I have a much harder time losing weight. I am at my heaviest ever, which is not the first time I have been here in my life. I just can't seem…
  • I am still not updating my tracker well. I ran 10.5 today but it still says I have more than that left. I have 42 left to go.
  • This morning it was really hot and humid especially after the monsoon last night, I refilled a solomon hand bottle about 6 times and it's 500 mL! I wanted to do 10 miles today and ended up doing 10.56! Whoohoo. Tomorrow is more of a tempo run for me. At least 4 miles hard.
  • Some reason I am getting just 50 as my goal on my ticker. I made a new one, hope it helps.
  • So Excited I got it done. I am actually doing 80 miles this month. Not sure if I will do 80 or 100 in August yet, but will see how this month finishes out.
  • Hi everyone, I am a 40 year old mother of 3. I work full time as a nurse. I have been running since I was a young girl. I traveled abroad for several months to a place that was hard to exercise and gained a bit. I never really had to lose weight before. I want to lose 15-20 pounds. I have been eating terribly, and my goal…
  • I run. I have been running since a little girl still run. Have run thru teens, young adult, pregnancy, children, having teens, and hope to keep running thru all decades of life.
  • I want to lose a few pounds and want to make some friends/supports. Been a runner for years. Need to lose weight and get fitter. I have run with kids, jogger, alone, I love running.
  • So interesting. I am looking for something that is downloadable and not a CD. The T25 sound appealing due to its 25 minutes!
  • Great work, keep it up! Congratulations.