ppaleorunner20 Member


  • Umm...is it OK to share the word about a product I am working to support as well as be curious if anyone else has tried it? I don't see anything wrong with wanting feedback in addition to perhaps spreading the word about a product that yes, more experienced Paleo people may disagree with, but isn't a grain-free option…
  • Thanks so much everyone. I think there will be a time when I feel more able to cut it out of my diet, but right now...I think it helps me not eat other unhealthy things. Thanks for your input. It's good to know there are others who have kicked the urge for something sweet.
  • Thanks for your input. I agree with what you mean about overdoing it on treats. I do personally struggle to keep a treat just that: a treat, but I think these mixes are good for people who aren't even gluten-free yet or in transition mode. It seems to work for my family, but I know everyone is different. Thanks again!