Anyone tried Miss Paleo Mixes?

Hi there,
I was just wondering if anyone has tried these baking mixes, Love to hear what you think. Thanks!


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm sorry you haven't gotten any responses. I don't generally use Paleo substitutes. When I first started out I tried some and tended to over eat them as I would any products high in carbs (sugar). I do make Paleo granola bars for my child that have very little sweetening and are made primarily with nuts and coconut, but I can't even control myself with those. I also have to limit my child's intake strictly. I do make brownies or cookies and other things once in a blue moon for special occasions at the office or whatever but by making them from scratch I can reduce the sweetness; which still doesn't keep me out of them. So, I'm best sticking with whole foods.

    I kind of think you could just as easily make Paleo substitutes without the mixes. I am assuming that they might be fairly expensive.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Well, the OP only has 2 post on MFP and all 3 is the same about these mixes. It is just a blunt advertisement
  • ppaleorunner20
    ppaleorunner20 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for your input. I agree with what you mean about overdoing it on treats. I do personally struggle to keep a treat just that: a treat, but I think these mixes are good for people who aren't even gluten-free yet or in transition mode. It seems to work for my family, but I know everyone is different. Thanks again!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    redheadmommy: methinks you were absolutely correct. There's nothing in that profile, no posts, no friends. I do not appreciate that kind of sneaky marketing to us Paleo peeps. If one is promoting a product and selling it, just SAY so. Yup, there's going to be all kinds of Paleo products springing up, but hopefully most of us can remember WHY we came to this lifestyle in the first place: because processed foods suck and it isn't "hard" to prepare meals from scratch.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    . I do not appreciate that kind of sneaky marketing to us Paleo peeps. If one is promoting a product and selling it, just SAY so.
    100% agree. I do not mind the advertising, but be upfront and honest about it.
    Personally I would never buy these product , but I would be all over a paleo webstore that would sell grass fed beef jerky made without soy , sugar and additives AND ship to Canada.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    . I do not appreciate that kind of sneaky marketing to us Paleo peeps. If one is promoting a product and selling it, just SAY so.
    100% agree. I do not mind the advertising, but be upfront and honest about it.
    Personally I would never buy these product , but I would be all over a paleo webstore that would sell grass fed beef jerky made without soy , sugar and additives AND ship to Canada.

    Agreed. I do make homemade jerky though. It's awesome and I even do it without a dehydrator. I change the spices every time and the last one had chipotle pepper and was very interesting. The only time consuming part is the slicing, which I do by hand. Then lay on a large cooling rack on a large cookie sheet and dehydrate in a just warm oven (time depending on thickness of slices) with the door slightly ajar.
  • ppaleorunner20
    ppaleorunner20 Posts: 7 Member
    Options it OK to share the word about a product I am working to support as well as be curious if anyone else has tried it? I don't see anything wrong with wanting feedback in addition to perhaps spreading the word about a product that yes, more experienced Paleo people may disagree with, but isn't a grain-free option better than a gluten-filled product.

    I completely understand your point of view on the Paleo treats and I find I can't let myself have most baked goods (at all!)...even if they are paleo friendly...but for my family (who is not fully gluten-free), I feel it provides a much better alternative to the highly processed sugar and grain filled treats they usual consume.

    Also, I am new to MFP and you are right that I don't have friends listed yet. I have been advised to be super cautious when on the internet and I know it can be both a tool and an evil weapon. I hope to keep it as a tool and so I keep as much information private as I can. That is just my opinion. Thank you.
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    I have not tried these products, and I am not interested. I don't know MFP's policy about what constitutes advertising in this way, nor do I want to see anyone's "freedom of speech" suppressed. The problem I have with these products is with their name, "Miss Paleo". People following "Paleo" or "Primal" lifestyles do not want to eat processed foods. Period. Call them "Miss Gluten-free" or "Miss Wheatless". Don't try to capitalize on "Paleo" unless you're selling real food. It's deceptive.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The point of Paleo is to eat unprocessed foods primarily.

    I have no problem with your promotion of a product that you have financial interest in but be UPFRONT and HONEST. Re-read your first post. You don't identify yourself that way at all. I feel intentionally mislead and regret replying at all. And if you have no friends, short history here, it indicates that you likely came just to market your product. Why not build on being here, show some results, develop some friends and then talk about your product?

    There are other gluten-free groups I would imagine. Paleo is not about "gluten free processed foods", though some people do enjoy. Hopefully, the next time you choose to promote your products, you are more honest about it.

    I too have an issue with the name of the product.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    The point of Paleo is to eat unprocessed foods primarily.

    I have no problem with your promotion of a product that you have financial interest in but be UPFRONT and HONEST. Re-read your first post. You don't identify yourself that way at all. I feel intentionally mislead and regret replying at all. And if you have no friends, short history here, it indicates that you likely came just to market your product. Why not build on being here, show some results, develop some friends and then talk about your product?

    There are other gluten-free groups I would imagine. Paleo is not about "gluten free processed foods", though some people do enjoy. Hopefully, the next time you choose to promote your products, you are more honest about it.

    I too have an issue with the name of the product.

    I totally agree EAT REAL FOOD. Not the processed crap.