_jayciemarie_ Member


  • I honestly DO feel better. I'm not constantly craving cupcakes and empty calories anymore. I guess I just miss my daily apple, or eating root vegetables. I am insulin resistant and have wondered why I was spinning my wheels for so long and NOT getting anywhere. I don't want to go back to how I was eating. I just want to…
  • Thank you. Reading that made me feel like I'm normal. I am not naturally patient, but for this I am trying to be since my body has responded exactly how I read it would I have no problem trusting that it works.
  • I too started aiming for 100g, because I was eating well over 250g on a daily basis and was always hungry. I believe the first week going LCHF I was around 90carbs a day (netting less). I have decreased that quite a bit, because, well, fatty foods are yummy! haha
  • Thanks for the information. I do have my info set at sedentary with 1lb loss. I will enable the negative calories. And y'all don't have to tell me twice to eat more! Num Num in my tum tum! lol
  • As far as exercise goes--I will be getting back into kickboxing next week. That is what I consider "exercise". The results linked to MFP is from my Fibit Charge HR. I'm getting in between 10k-15k steps a day. I think the number they give me is excessive, so I try not to base my eating decisions off of it. I'm sure I would…
  • Actually, (and this may be TMI), before LCHF I was having trouble with bowel movements. I would only have one a week AFTER drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate. My previous diet was loaded with high carbs and low fat/protein. Now that I've made the switch, I can say I almost go daily, but if I don't go daily, I will go…
  • I agree about the temperature of the water. Cold water is always more appealing and easier to drink. As for water/bathroom--I feel they correlate with each other on a normal level. If I drink more water--I go the bathroom more. If i drink less--I go less. I believe this is common (or so I thought I read it somewhere…
  • I was suffering from severe constipation for months. Only having bowel movements once a week after drinking magnesium carbonite. (sp?). Anyway, it was ridiculous. I'm in the start of my 3rd week of LCHF and I have bowel movements every day, and some days they are only 30min-1hr AFTER I eat. They are very loose. I'm not…
  • THANK YOU!! Another question--the Keto Calculator makes the carbs as net carbs. Should I adjust the numbers on MFP because it doesn't factor that in? I swear--I need a LCHF sponsor to help me through all of this! lol
  • I'm not really sure what to make my macros :-(
  • The numbers on the 2nd week are kind of skewed, because I drank Saturday and didn't log my dinner. (and it was a carb overload casino buffet). The 2nd week I was less hungry. So, I shouldn't pay attention to percentages. I should focus on the actual numbers?
  • Awe! Well I actually have a big jar of pickles I bought at Sam's club just because I love Pickles so much! lol. Not sure on their sugar content, but thanks for the info. Now I won't feel so bad intaking so much sodium.
  • I'm new (sorry, I keep saying this when I post, but I am new)--what is the deal with broth and/or pickle?
  • I am Jaycie Couch
  • I am eating real meats. I eat a lot of dairy, olive oil, and coconut oil.
  • Are you saying this, because these kinds of questions are old and overly repeated? Sorry :neutral:
  • It is like anything else--we can be told "You need to do this...." and in our mind WE think we know everything about everything. How many times has a doctor told us we are overweight and need to lose weight? You can't move forward until your mind moves forward. I have refused to give up carbs for so long and I have been up…
  • I eat the Cookies N Creme one in the morning for breakfast. I heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds. It satisfies me and gets me moving. I'm not on a super strict low carb regimen though. I try to let it be my only processed food daily.
  • I'm new too! Although, I haven't cut back my carbs NEARLY as much as the diaries I have peeked through. Baby steps for me I guess.
  • I'm curious of this as well since I just upgraded from the Flex to the Charge HR. Hopefully someone can help us out! lol
  • I thought it was just me. Contacted fitbit--which they told me to restart my Charge HR (which I can't do unless I'm at home with THAT charger). I don't know how many times I have removed/reinstalled today and changed options--only to be disappointed.
  • Thank you! I've been going nuts thinking I have been doing it all wrong.
  • People always want to know what is in it for them ;) Be like the Bud light commercial and just be ready for whatever! haha
  • Start Weight : 171 Goal Weight : 150 Lbs. to loss : 21 8/1 - 171 9/5 - 166.8 10/3 - 11/7 - 12/2 - 12/26 - Goal weight I just need to get on a roll!!!!!!
  • I think that people only eating 1200 or less are convincing themselves they aren't hungry. Or, they aren't measuring EVERYTHING with a scale. Back when I started and was only eating "1200" it was more like 1600. But...I will get people saying "No, I weigh everything and I'm really not hungry". Ok....well....guess you got…
  • I think it is a great idea to try out T25; however, you really need to find an activity that you like and can physically do. I started out at 231lbs by just walking. When I felt more up to it I incorporated running. Then I added hills. Then I started doing classes like Zumba and H.I.T. If you don't find something you love…
  • I am definetely not arrogant! In fact, when I look at myself I see the same fat girl. I see all my imperfections. Even though I'm wearing smaller sizes and I "know" I have lost weight--I can't see it. I know that my friends pulled away from me. I didn't mean to put them down with a backhanded compliment. As like a lot of…
  • Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I actually just saw an Endocrinologist last Tuesday. They sent me for all kinds of labs to rule things out and/or pinpoint the cause. I do bruise easily. As for my cycle---my problem is that I will go without one for several months and then when I have one it will be super heavy with blood clot jello like substance that…
  • I do weigh all my food. I do use the recipe function and add all my ingredients. I keep reading different opinions about exercise calories. It appears I lose weight when I eat around 1300---even though that could mean I net only 600. I feel I'm using all the tools (fitbit, food scale, and hrm) to be as accurate as…