I've missed a few days reading, with the result that I'm still in Daniel - though I'll be reading the last chapter tomorrow. Something cool happened last week - I managed to join two college group Biblestudies in one day :D The first one was in the afternoon - a couple of students randomly came up to me when I was studying…
I like Daniel - it's always been one of my favorite since I was little! Lots of good stories :) Since I've grown up in a Christian family I've been exposed to all the books of the Bible at least once, except maybe the Song of Solomon. It must be exciting for you to have parts that you have not read yet!
Today I read Daniel 3 (:
I finished Lametations yesterday... I will start Daniel tomorrow. I have an audioBible on my phone so I've started listening to that to help me fall asleep, since I've been trying to go to bed earlier but my body isn't used to that so it is difficult. Also I listened while I jogged this morning - that was a first for me!…
Made it to Lamentations 3 today! "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. "They are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness. " 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I have hope in Him.' "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. "It is…
An afternoon at the ice skating rink with my friends :D
You can friend me! I log every day without fail, but I haven't been very serious about my meal plan yet :P
I remember reading Ecclesiastes once and I really enjoyed it (: I started Lamentations today. At the beginning of 2012 I was wondering if there were any parts in the Bible that I had never read. I mean, I had tried those "read the Bible in 1 year" reading plans before, but it was just so much and I would miss day ... So I…
Today I finished Job by reading chapters 39 to the end (I forget how many). I love how descriptive this section is! :D How great is our God! And of course I enjoy the "dragon" part in ... chapter 41 (I think). It sounds like a dragon to me anyway. (; It is at least some kind of flame-spitting reptile that seems right out…
Sorry I've been busy, but I've been reading! I reached Job 38 today finally!! :D I got there quicker than I thought because I was reading more than 1 chapter some mornings, because each character's lecture would span several chapters. I have no time to write about what I read, except that I just love reading about the…
I'm a college freshman so you can add me if you like! :D I'm not a vegetarian though ;P
an agility ladder and a new skirt
I'll add you :)
I think a boxing bag would be a fun reward
You could spend a day at your favorite place, like a park or a beach or a mountian depending on where you live and what you like. You could plan a day with a good friend or two, just hanging out and doing what you like. Depending on how much weight you want to lose, if it is a lot you could host a yard sale at your goal…
I have "cheat days" I guess they are called, when I don't worry about my mfp calorie level very much. However, I always make myself log what I eat, so that I can still be conscious of my choices, even when I'm purposefully letting go and going over. Usually for me, 500-1,000 calories over is enough twice a week, or…
I am the same: can't afford a gym. What I do is look up videos on youtube - I have found quite a lot of good in-home workouts! what AlexCh23 said: Whole foods/clean eating and good hydration are good for loosing fat, as well as cardio exercise, so walking, running, biking, swimming, hiking, sports like soccer and…
The first season of Once Upon a Time (:
Today I'm on Job 31 (:
I do. Since mfp has already taken off a certain number of calories for the purpose of healthy weight loss, then eating excercise calories is just keeping the balance, if I overall I stay at the line. (:
I love that! I've never thought about it that way before, but it makes so much sense. Just a greater encouragement to read ceaselessly. :D I did get an audiobible on my iphone recently, but I haven't gotten the chance to listen to it very much. I know if I played it through the night I wouldn't hear my alarm in the morning…
A hula-hoop
I'm sorry I haven't been reporting much: I'm still in Job, reading through the same strain of dialogues. When I get to 38 I will certainly have much to write :D
NIV, NASB, NKJB, ESB...whatever I have on hand :D our house has many Bibles. I guess mostly ESB or NASB.
Thank you; I will :)
And I pray every day that He will bless me with a hunger and a thirst so powerful! (:
Dear NewLife: That was very encouraging to me! The Holy Spirit has been convicting me of "forgetting about God" - those times that I get so caught up in things that I don't even think about Him for a day. He keeps reminding me of that verse in one of the epistles (Thessalonians I think) that says "Pray without ceasing,"…
I always read during breakfast, which is why I've missed the last couple days because I had to grab breakfast while running out the door :P But since I've always loved reading fantasy fiction (I read so much so fast that I practically eat books up), when I was little my mom made the rule that the Bible should be the first…
You can add me - I'm on here every day and definitely will continue to do so :)