

  • I have the same problem, except half my sugar is coming from veggies. I don't want to cut out fruits and veggies, and I'm really not sure what to do. Anyone out there have any ideas??
  • Hi! I just started, and I'm also hoping to lose over 50lbs. You're welcome to add me as a friend. I seem to be online all the time! I'm great at motivating others, but I haven't quite figured out how to motivate and encourage myself. I'm still in my first week, so I feel like I have lots of energy to keep going, but I'm…
  • Do you know about Stephanie O'Dea's blog? She did a 365 day Slow-Cooker challenge and kept a great blog about her experiences. Here's a link to her recipe index: http://crockpot365.blogspot.co.il/2007/12/alphabetical-listing-of-recipes.html I've had a lot of success with her recipes, and they're quite easy to adapt.
  • Everything can feel overwhelming when you're depressed. It's hard to separate all of life's small challenges, and the result is what seems to be one enormous mountain that is impossible to scale. I agree with the commenter above that you should find some professional support. You're not alone, and an outside perspective…
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