

  • Yeah, I probably shouldn't call it a binge, but it's still like 500 calories I shouldn't have ate, not a great way to start the day with brownies, I guess as long as I stay within my calorie range then it'll be alright... Thanks for all the responses, I appreciate it.
  • I fail, ate m&ms this morning, ugh why is it so hard this time, I did this at the beginning of the year and lost 10lbs, I know it's not too late, just jump back on the wagon, but seriously, I need to focus. there's still 18 days left, so I'm actually gonna do this.
    in Day 3 Comment by Reaching135 August 2013
  • oh WOW! didn't expect this many replies, how wonderful :), thank you all for your advice, I'm gonna start planning as much as I can the day before, cause it seems to work for you guys, hopefully I'll adjust to it completely as well. :) again thanks so much for all the replies, I appreciate it.
  • Yeah I weigh daily but drives me crazy so I think I'll try every other day, I hate to wait a week to see if I've lost or didn't budge at all. I see what you're saying and I agree. oh that's cool that it shows up on your page!! I'll just do that. Thanks for your advice and luck :happy:
  • This is just what I need, today I ate oreos and a reese cup, felt pretty bad about it... anywho, I'm definitely in!! excited about tomorrow. :D
  • My goal is to lose 25lbs, if you want to, you can add me. :)