LILFIX27 Member


  • I am in the EXACT same position! 9 more months of graduate school to go and i've gained 35 pounds... would love to graduate a doctor... and a healthy one! i am a stress eater - need to find new outlets... I just started over today as well... well, reset up my account 10 minutes ago anyways. Starting over tomorrow. best…
  • good luck! i have done it a couple of times, but i had to keep doing the first 2 weeks over and over again because it was just too hard for me to move on... it's a tough program, and i def puked during it, but you feel GREAT after it... well, after you shower. i plan on starting again, but i am still trying to get into…
  • you have done such an amazing job and are looking great! keep up the hard work, even on the tough days... because it is obviously paying off!
  • great job! such an inspiration! keep up all the hard work!
  • i know the feeling... i think i give up on dieting and exercising because i never get results quick enough. i work so hard for a bit, give up the foods i love, make my schedule even tighter than it already is to fit in working out, and then when every weekend comes and that top and jeans still don't look right, I get…